Weigh-Ins are on MONDAYS - Updated July 3, 2017

Surgery Date: October 20, 2009:

Friday, January 14, 2011

Weigh-in Day...and the results are...

Goal Weight: 145 lbs

Today's Weight: 144.8 lbs

Happy Friday!


  1. Awesome!! Your maintenance is going well. I'm proud of you! Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. That is amazing! You are truely an inspiration to a lot of us..I know that you are to me! Great job on the maintinance and I can only hope that I will be down where you are in the future!

  3. Yea! Congrats! as the above poster said, you're inspirational! Keep up the great work!

  4. I just have to tell you that every time I pull up your blog and see your before and after picture I get a little chill up the back of my neck. I hope someday I can have such great pictures up to motivate others. Have a great weekend.

  5. That is so awesome! I am happy for you!
