Weigh-Ins are on MONDAYS - Updated July 3, 2017

Surgery Date: October 20, 2009:

Friday, February 17, 2012

Weigh-in Day...

Or is it?


I think I'll be "minding the gap" instead.


  1. That looks like a distinctively British tube platform. Enjoy your break

  2. Ha ha. Too funny. As soon as I saw the pic, this little accented voice ran through my head. Enjoy London. It is such a great city. And don't forget to do the round of pubs, or two!

  3. Ohhhhh how I love London and that little British man saying 'mind the gap'! Have fun and enjoy the views.

  4. Have a great time! I hate the tube, 15 years of commuting on it everyday saw to that!
    I went to the museum of London the other day, was really good and free to get it if you're at a loose end.

  5. Hi
    I think your blog is great. I am seeing the surgeon on the 8th March - very excited! But it is great to be able to read other peoples journey. I too have started a blog (I thought it might help me along the way). Please visit
