Weigh-Ins are on MONDAYS - Updated July 3, 2017

Surgery Date: October 20, 2009:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Weigh-in Day & My Lap-Band Port

Let's get the digits out of the way for the week:
  • Starting weight: 258.8 lbs
  • Goal weight: 145 lbs
  • Today's weight: 142.2 lbs

Still rockin' my goal weight now for about two years and eight months now.

OK, so I sometimes forget how some of you aren't on Facebook.


How can you not be on Facebook wasting buckets of time like me? 

All the cool kids are doing it.

Lately on Facebook, you've been asking me lots of fantabulous questions all about my Lap-Band port.
As you know, I am very open about my Lap-Band and the port.

That's why I will let anyone who asks (nicely) if they would like to feel my port.

There is this weird expectation that when I lift up my shirt, that they will be able to SEE the port - like the actual port and it's plastic sticking out.

But that's just not true.

Since I am the lucky recipient of lots of extra belly skin after my weight loss, my port gets kinda hidden most of the time.

But it's there.

Here is what my port looks like when I lie on my back with relaxed abs:

Here's my port when I do a mini-ab crunch. The port pops out a little:
Onwards to your questions:

Does my port hurt?

Nope. I don't usually feel my port. The rare occasions when I do feel it are:
  • When I am carrying a bag of groceries or heavy box and the bag/box rubs against my port. Doesn't hurt, I just feel it.
  • When I do the "superman" workout move which you can see here. Again, it doesn't hurt, I just feel it.
  • Occasionally if a kitchen counter is at the same height as my port and I am leaning up against the counter, then I will feel my port. Example: when doing dishes at the sink. Again, it doesn't hurt, I just feel it.
Do Lap-Band adjustments (AKA "fills") hurt?
  • In my opinion, a fill hurts less than a flu shot in the arm.
  • It's a quick needle stick and over and done with pretty quickly.
  • Pain levels are very subjective. We each have our own tolerance levels.
  • One of the weirdest sensations is when I get an unfill adjustment.  The withdrawing of the saline for me feels a little like I can't catch my breath for a quick second. So very difficult to explain.
I am glad that I never let the silly concept of needles and whether fills would "hurt" hold me back from getting a Lap-Band.  A quick needle stick is a small price to pay for me to enjoy the benefits of having the ONLY weight loss surgery that is ADJUSTABLE.  

PS: Are you ready for what's coming up this weekend: A Lap-Band book giveaway and a review by yours truly. The author has been VERY generous with the number of copies of the book!


  1. Hi, I'm so glad I found you on facebook, I've read a lot of your progress and I'm so happy for you, I will get banded on 8-30-2013 I'm 25yrs old and I weigh 277 and my goal is 150 ;-) I feel more confident knowing all this little details and I'm glad to know that the port doesn't hurt.

    wish me luck! and have a great day =)

  2. Thank you. You are awesome person, you have been a inspiration to me. I love to talk about my band to anyone who will listen. Keep up the blogs and facebook.

  3. I'm not so nervous about the fills as just the port itself. Thanks for sharing your experiences and pictures!!

  4. I think it's so wonderful you've stayed at your goal weight for such a long time -- yay your! inspirational!
