
Sunday, September 30, 2012

What the Hell is Dancercise?

I want to bring you up to speed on the lack of exercise that I've been doing.

Schlepping empty moving boxes and bags of trash down three flights of stairs and bringing kitty litter and groceries up those same three flights of stairs has been my level of exercise lately.

And that's no bueno.

The lack of exercise is showing on the's going down (I'm losing muscle).

I've toured four local gyms.

And these gyms make me sad.

I saw people sweatin' on the treadmills, ellipticals, and lifting weights.

They weren't smiling.

They didn't look like they're having fun.

They looked like they couldn't wait for the torture to be over.

I know myself.

I know that if I sign up for a gym that I. Just. Won't. Go.

If exercise isn't fun, then I will not do it.

Oh and by the way...Jazzercise isn't close to me and my town.  More sadness.

So here's the plan:

I've signed up for classes through my my local parks and recreation department.

Tuesday/Thursday: "Dancercise" this a knock off version of Jazzercise? I hope it's not this. Turn up your speakers and enjoy that song. You're welcome.

Monday/Wednesday: Zumba w/ Zumba Toning

If "Dancercise" turns out to be a winner, they also have it on Saturday mornings.

Stay tuned.


  1. Seriously - if that song gets stuck in my head! Lol!

  2. Ugh, no on the music. :) I can't find a Jazzercise class I can afford in Mississippi. I think $5 or $6 a class is reasonable but $12 is not. So it's back to Zumba which I do very badly.

    I'm with you on the gyms. I haven't done regular gyms but I did Curves twice and it is so BORING I could just cry. Hope the dance class works out for you.

  3. We don't have jazzercise around us either that I've found. Our Zumba instructor teaches a "dance cardio" class on Tues each week though its very similar to Zumba only it's all hip hop and no Latin music. It's super high energy throughout the workout.

  4. notclickingnotclickingnotclicking...I still have one of my Zumba songs running in my head non-stop - don't need another one!!

    It's inspiring to see how serious you are about finding the right place for you - hope you find one and that Dancercise is a good thing!

  5. Well this chick is uncoordinated as hades so I will be the one who hates it but I'll be smiling and friendly! Lol

  6. I completely get your point. I hope the dancercize works out. :-) Good for you for continuing to try to find the right fit. This has been one of the really challenging things for me when I move. I should try parks and rec maybe. I liked a YMCA in GA, and a small gym in S. CA, but haven't found something I like here, and we've been here YEARS.

  7. I am with you. If I don't enjoy it, I won't do it. Dancercize sounds fun though. I hope you love it!
