
Friday, September 28, 2012

Weigh-in Day...and the Results Are...

Goal weight: 145 lbs

Today's weight: 138.2 lbs

I replaced the batteries in my scale and now it shows the same weight no matter the location. Phew!

Happy Friday!


  1. YAY! It's so crazy seeing you at 138 lbs... I mean that in... our starting weights were only like 2 lbs away from each other... and you weight 138 lbs...It's just crazy because my mind still tells me it's impossible...there's no way I could weigh 138 lbs.. apparently it is possible! You remind me everyday that I CAN DO IT TOO!!! :)

  2. Great Job!! Hope to be joining you soon..
    What kind of scale do you have?? trying to look for a new one...

  3. Thank-you for showing me every Friday that it is possible. I had begun to think it wasn't. I will make it. I have renewed energy today!!

  4. looks like you moved and changed jobs WITHOUT the WEIGHT GAIN!!! WooooHooooo!
