
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Making a Choice To Make A Change

When I first moved to Oregon over five years ago, I didn't know a single person here.

No one.

I've been very lucky to have met so many people here who have been very supportive to me and my journey. 

Not just my journey with my weight loss, but career, and in life. As I've said before: "It takes a village..."

Recently, I've had to make some pretty big choices about where my career path is taking me. 

Someone's gotta go to work and earn a paycheck to keep Pemberley in the lifestyle she's become accustomed to.

I've had a GREAT opportunity present itself and I've chosen to make a move.

I've accepted a FABULOUS new job with a new company.

The big news: I'm moving back to CALIFORNIA!

I'm so excited!

Yep, I'm going home.

In about 10 days, I'll be a Northern California resident again.

Do you live in the 707 area code?

I'll be your new neighbor.

We could hang out.

I have many friends and family waiting for me in California.

But, I've also made friends here in Oregon that I am starting to miss already.

The goodbyes will be difficult.

Now let's quickly review what happens when yours truly has moved in the past:
  • Move from college to 1st job (300 miles away) 11 years ago: gained 65lbs in the first 14 months.
  • Move from 1st job (California) to 2nd job (Oregon) 5 years ago: gained 30 lbs in the first year.
Do you see a trend here?

Therefore, moving away from my support system, routines, and structure scares the living crapola outta me.

Here I am trying not to show my control-freakness last weekend: 
Spreadsheets, floor plans, and to-do lists! Oh my!
When things get me stressed out, my band feels super tight. Sigh.

So I've made a plan (would you expect anything different from moi?):
  • There are no excuses not to eat well during this transition. I have learned lots of behaviors that can and will help me be successful in staying below 145 lbs.
  • There are no excuses to not to exercise. Period. None.
  • Since stress is the main thing that causes my band to feel much tighter (and quick!), I'll be going into see my favorite nurse practitioner today for a "pro-active" unfill. I'm guessing I'll ask for about 1 cc to be taken out. This will take my band from 7.8 ccs to 6.8 ccs.  We will see...

I'm so excited to move on to this next chapter in my life!


  1. Congratulations on this new chapter in your life!

  2. Congratulations! It sounds like you are making plans to SUCCEED!

  3. Congratulations!! Hey, I grew up in the 707 area code. I lived in Napa my whole life. All my family lives there. Maybe when I come to visit, we can meet up? So happy for you and I know you will do just fine during the transition...

  4. Congrats!!! You will nail this transition! First order of business, locate Zumba and Jazzercise classes :)

  5. Congrats! How exciting!

  6. Congratulations!! You will do great!

  7. Congrats...moving is stressful..but I know you can handle it and hey you got to embrace those changes...can't wait to see where it takes you!

  8. I had already heard from Stacey, but that's so exciting! I hope there are some bandsters in that area for you to see on a regular basis! You should get in touch with Shannon - she's in CA now, too. :)

    1. yeppers, southern california though :)

  9. Congratulations on your new job!!! I wish you continued success. It's awesome that you are moving back home. Have a safe and stress free move.

  10. Congrats on the new job, LBG! I hope it is everything you want and more!

  11. Congrats! You will do awesome! I bet you are sad to leave your Jazzercise buddies! Can't wait to hear about all the exciting things this new adventure brings to you!

  12. That's exciting news. Good for you. You're not the same person now that you were on previous moves, youve got great new habits and youre on top of it. Youll do great!

  13. Congratulations on the new job!! I know you're probably stressed to the max but just think of all of the new adventures to be had!!

  14. OMG, how exciting for you! Congratulations, LBG - you are so prepared and ready for this - it's exciting for us to watch you as you jump into this new opportunity!!

  15. OMG!! Congrats! That's so stinkin exciting! I can't wait to hear/see about your move! You are so strong, I know you will kick this moves ass! We will all be here for encouragement! :)

  16. Congratulations!! That is fantastic! Best wishes for much happiness in CA!

  17. Congrats!!! This is sooooo exciting! You have made a LIFEstyle change that is now a part of your LIFE so you have what it takes! California here you come! Can't wait to follow along this leg of your journey!
    Go West GIRL!!!

  18. Congrats! Sounds like an exciting move.

  19. Congrats! I am all for moving back to family!

  20. Congratulations! That is amazing news!!! Take some deep breaths and try not to stress, it will all work out. You are not going to go back to old habits, you've come FAR to far to go back. I look forward to your first post about your new workout spot.

  21. Congratulations!! I have the same problem with change. You know the pattern though, and I know you will make a plan to combat it. I'm not close enough to 707 to Zumba with you (and you can thank your lucky lucky stars for that, because forget space invader girl, I'd be dangerous moving in the wrong direction object girl) but I'm definitely close enough to meet up if you ever want to! :-)

  22. Congratulations!! How exciting for you and Pemberley.. I know the 707 area code area very well.. My mother lives there and my brother and sister in law not to far away. How wonderful, when I come visit maybe we could hang. What fun that would be... Nothing like being near family to make life easier. I'm working on getting closer to mine as well, so I completley get how important and hard it is when your away from them.. Again a big Congrats!!

  23. So exciting! I hope the move is awesome for you. Will you be close to where you were before your move to Oregon?

  24. Congrats on your new opportunity! Change is so exciting :)

  25. I am jeleous I am in Michigan for 11 yrs (job) some day I'll move home to Ohio again.

  26. Wow! How exciting! I wish you all the best with your move and transition.

  27. I love that you have a plan. Since you learn something each time you gain/loose you've got enough experice to stop a gain cold. Good luck. Karen ( from S.Cal)

  28. How exciting I Love CA !! Keep on blogging you will be great! and build a new village ! FK xx

  29. How exciting for you to be making this move. Keep us posted. I know you can stay on track although you'll probably have challenges. :)

  30. I grew up in the 707 area code, my whole family still lives there. Congrats how exciting for you!!
