
Friday, February 10, 2012

Weigh-in Day...and When Was the Last Time You Ate at McDonalds?

Goal Weight: 145 lbs

Today's Weight: 141.7 lbs

I think the last time I ate at McDonalds was a few months ago.  If I remember correctly, I had a caramel sundae.  Yum.  Pre-banded, I ate there all the time. I kinda miss those Big Macs. There's NO WAY I could eat those now.  When was the last time you ate at McDonalds?


  1. I made the foolish mistake of going through the Drive Thru last night post workout bc I had managed to sweat myself cold. It took me 20 mins to get my Medium coffee (all that waiting happened after I placed my order and paid.) So glad that my banded life lets me keep my distance from those places.

  2. Ate there yesterday. Large Diet Coke, extra ice, on way to the train... Yummy

  3. I eat there when we do road trips to NY. I always get a grilled chiptotle snack wrap. Perfect size for my sleeved tummy and I never eat the wrap...just the fillin.

  4. The last time I remember eating there was with girlfriends on our way to Nantucket in 2004. I am not much of a fast food gal!

  5. that was my last meal before pre-op last week. I had fish filet, fries and lg coke....mmmmm solid food.......

  6. Haha, had it last Saturday. Got stuck. PB'd in playroom bathroom. Ughhh.

  7. I was never much of a McD's fan. I did enjoy Chick Fil A on occasion so the last time I hit a McD's I can't really recal. But anything sounds delish right now in this hellish liquid phase LOL.

  8. I have to smile at this one. My oldest daughter (who is now in college) used to work at Mickey D's when she was in high school. I still stop by every morning (even though she is no longer there) and get a large unsweetened ice tea with lots of extra ice. I'm not a coffee drinker so this is what gets me through the day. I must admit that I did enjoy their holiday pies a bit too much over Christmas. :)

  9. I am sure you remember my McDonald's withdrawal stories. I was an addict pure and simple. My last trip there was for a snack wrap on a particularly open day for me. I was sooo hungry and had to go teach my class. I ate the single snack wrap and was happy. I never want to eat there for a real meal anymore though.

    I used to eat a two cheeseburgers meal with a fries and a coke at least twice a week while driving from work to home. It was wrong and I am so very glad I do not do that anymore.

    Congrats on your Jazzersize fame!! :)


  10. I have had McDonald once since being banded and it was just recently. I didn't even order anything but I had two chicken mcnuggets from my son's meal. Before being banded I used to stop there at least 3 times a week on my way to work for the thought never even enters my mind to stop there.

  11. I read this post a few hours ago, and had to wait to comment because I just don't remember. Maybe August? It hurt like heck. So I just don't eat there. I haven't missed it at all(ok-ok- maybe a Big Mac, thank heavens my band would never allow me to eat a Big Mac). Pre-band I ate there every work day for breakfast. Yepper, everyday.

  12. It's probably been six months, I think I had the Southern Style Chicken sandwich, fries and most of a sweet tea.

  13. Darn you and your McDs post! Its Friday night and now all I can think about it cheeseburgers and fries! :)
    I haven't eaten at McDonald's for months. I am sure that the last thing that I had was a grilled chicken wrap with franks hot sauce. That's all I can eat there post-band. I try to stay away from fast food these days.

    *TINA - we could have eaten our 2 cheeseburgers in cars together! It seems the only place that I would eat McDonald's was/is in the car.

  14. McDs is nasty...I haven't eaten there in years! Just watching food inc was enough. Factory farming...gross.
    Sorry minor vegan/ vegetarian rant...but if people started looking at where the food actually came one would eat those sad burgers or mystery mc nuggets...

  15. Haha, that is funny! Fortunately I've been able to stay away from there since before I had the lapband.

  16. Love the saying! Ah, BIG MACS! Well, here's my little trick for when a BIG MAC attack hits hard.....a MAC SNACK WRAP! I take 2, maybe 3 heavenly bites and I am good to go until the next time it hits me hard....

