
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Don't Blink...'Cuz You Just Might Miss It.

Are you sick of hearing about Jazzercise yet?

Well, let me tell you a lovely tale related to...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...


Let's start at the very beginning....because, as Fraulein Maria said, it's a very good place to start.

Let's take a step back in time....all the way to a few weeks ago.  I saw a Facebook post on Jazzercise Inc.'s fan page saying that they were looking for testimonials and photos from people who love Jazzercise.

You don't have to ask me twice: once a groupie, always a groupie.  I immediately emailed off a few before and now (there are no "after" pics) and the link to this blog just in case they wanted to know more about me.

I didn't hear anything for quite awhile and figured that there were other more impressive Jazzercisers who submitted their emails as well.  So I kinda forgot about it.  Days and weeks passed...

But then out of the blue...SURPRISE! I got an email response from Jazzercise that they'll be featuring my photos and/or my success story on the Jazzercise website AND their upcoming DVD sales presentation on QVC!

OMG.  National TV?  Yikes.

It's going to air on QVC on Wednesday 2/15 @ 12PM EST.  I've set the DVR. I guess it's my turn for my 15 seconds of fame.

I better run, I gotta go work on my jazz hands!


  1. Not for free right. Ask for the check

  2. They should have you on the show! What fun. :)

  3. Omg!!!how cool is that!!

  4. Wow...I have a little brush with fame!!! How exciting!

  5. Holy Cow! How cool is that!

  6. Yay you! I need to try jazzercise. I am making it my mission now to find a place.

  7. How exciting!!!!!!! Congrats! It's the least you deserve for all your hard work and dedication to YOU! I'll be tuning in! =)

  8. Oh my gosh! That is so cool. Can't wait to see it. I just got home from jazzercise. I love, love, love it too. I joined on Jan 7 and went 9 days in a row, but now I've cut back to 5 days a week to give my poor knees a break. I never have to talk myself into going, its just a matter of fitting it in, which is easy with all the class options. Yea for jazzercise! Yea for you getting to be a jazzercise "spokesperson.". Again, really cool, cool, cool. What an awesome NSV.

  9. How exciting! Congratulations :) And definitely loving the Pope pic lol

  10. Congrats! How awesome!

  11. Hooray K! Love it!! Way to go! I look forward to seeing you in the commercial for sure :)

  12. WHOOO HOOO! Too cool!
    Can't wait to watch our STAR!!!! *Jazz Hands*

  13. How Fun :) Congratulations!!

  14. Congratulations! That is awesome. It will give me a reason to watch QVC.

  15. Too cool! Can't wait to see it.

  16. Wow, that's awesome! Congrats!
