
Friday, October 7, 2011

Would You Like to Take a Ride on the Scale Roller Coaster?


Well, let me tell ya...I've just stepped off of the roller coaster and whew! What a ride it's been.

I even made a little spreadsheet for your viewing pleasure. I have entitled it: "How to gain 6.4 lbs in four days" or "How to defeat this tool called the Lap Band"

Because I love some accountability in my life, I promptly stepped onto the scale the night that I got home from Chicago and I was UP 6.4 lbs. 

Yes, I pretty much ate my way through the city of Chicago.

Just to recap what went down in the food department (food porn to follow, you've been warned!):

There was a seafood extravaganza at Roys:
Red velvet cake at Grande Lux Cafe:

A peanut butter and jelly oink-fest at Pinkberry. Yum.

Oh and don't forget TWO meals of deep-dish pizza.  Here's the proof:

 Lastly, enough cocktails to turn me into this:

However, I've been very focused on my food choices and worked out twice this week so I have landed promptly back where I would like to be on the scale: 138.6 lbs. 

I guess this maintenance thing isn't so scary sometimes.


  1. I wish I knew how you lost 5.4 pounds in just a couple of days! LOL

  2. Red Velvet cake is my favorite... of all time.

    Congrats on getting off the lbs you gained while on vacation!

  3. I say thats water/sodium retention from all that great wonderful food! No way you gained that in 2 days and lost in a week. LOL. I don't know... but glad to see you back down.

  4. I think we all had just few cocktails :)
    Great job getting it all back off. I had a follow up with my surgeon and was only up 3lbs still :) what a great weekend though

  5. I can gain weight real fast.

    I had no doubt that you would work your ass off to get that back off.

    Now, about the red velvet cake....girl that is my favorite....I just posted about red velvet tonight as a matter of fact! lol

  6. Sounds like water retention from all the fun high sodium food, but hey - I have 90 lbs of "water weight" LOL!!! So don't listen to me!! Good job at keeping yourself in check.
    I was just thinking last night that I haven't seen a hot, sweaty and red faced picture of you after going to the gym lately. I love them! Super inspirational! I will post one of me if you do :) You know that means that I have to go to the gym now :)

  7. So you had fun, got to enjoy food that you don't normally indulge in, you came home worked back into your routine and lost it again. I would say that is success!

  8. What I love about this post: You took it right back down to "normal" for you in 4 days. Thank you! Once again you demonstrate, maintenance is possible!! You encourage the heck out of me. :)

    Also, I haven't had a fill yet, but I am having a port revision on Tuesday the 11th. I'm going to have the lower profile port put in and possibly a fill about 2 weeks thereafter. I'll keep you posted. I'm pretty excited!

  9. That PB yog (and pizza) look divine and (of course) the return to normal. :)
