
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Oh No She Didn't!

Are you ready for a jaw-dropping story about the plane ride home from Chicago? 

I made a lovely new friend. *note sarcasm*

Here's how it went down:

We had been warned multiple times by the gate staff that the flight would be a completely full flight.  

So by the time we boarded the plane, I knew that we would all be snuggling up with each other as we were seated in our neat little rows.

I always reserve an aisle seat now ('cuz I drink tons of water and get up to visit the bathroom A LOT).  I sat down and said a quick hello to the 30-something blonde woman sitting at the window.  She smiled and said "hi".  

She points to the middle seat and says "I hope the middle person isn't fat."  I thought that she was joking initially, but when I looked at her I realized that she was serious. I looked away and didn't comment. 

She then said "oh, I hope that didn't sound bad."

Well, it did sound bad b*tch.  Really bad.  I didn't respond to her and ignored her.

No one would have EVER said something like that in front of me two years ago.


  1. Wowww... But you are so right. Just crazy how people act when no one is looking.

  2. Sad how some people judge so freely and openly without thought isn't it?

    I am glad you ignored her, served her right.

    Miss you!

  3. Some peoples stupidity and ignorance just amaze me. I am glad you ignored her.

  4. What a beast. I would have ignored her too. Or recruited someone obese to sit by you just for the hell of it.

  5. It's like you are our little undercover reporter. Sounds like you handled it well. I bet she'll think twice next time.

  6. Ummm...well you know I would have said...something smart.

    I'm proud of you for keeping your composure. You rock!!

  7. What a bitch! I would have said well I hope they are... they will keep me warm cause I am chilly from the draft you are giving off!! :)

  8. Geez! I would not have keep my mouth shut and I would have probably requested someone to trade seats with me. I applaud your composure! You're Hero!

  9. Wow!Talk about foot in mouth syndrome!

  10. This is why I love your blog... That makeup quote is hilarious!! :)

  11. Oh my gosh...what a cow she is!

  12. What a pill! So proud of you to be sane. I would have popped off and said something horrible to her, like "I hope they are so I don't have see your dark roots" :)

  13. I am totally stealing the make up line!!!!! Sad how people are sometimes

  14. What a biatch-Good for you ignoring her,It never ceases to disappoint me how judgmental and petty people can be!

  15. I would think/but not say: I hope the person in the middle seat isn't an idiot because we already have one in our row.

  16. I'm way less concerned about whether a person in the middle seat is fat and way more concerned if they are thoughtful or not. I have had skinny people kick the crap out of me or elbow me like crazy. Often, larger people are more consientious of other people's space.

    Window Seat was just thoughtless. Maybe she got a good lesson of "sometimes you may have thoughts that are better kept to yourself."
