
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Can You Handle the Truth?

Do you know Brenda over at Bandster Momma

She's been banded for about 6+ months and she's lost 110 lbs.  WOW.

Her post yesterday had me jumping up and down and shouting "AMEN SISTA!" in front of my laptop. 

Brenda understands that to be successful with this band, you have to do a lot of work.  I love her no-nonsense approach and she calls it like it is.

Go read her recent post about how the truth stinks.  Now.  Not later.  Now.  Seriously. Go.


  1. I'm running over there right now! I need some stinky truth...

  2. Read it yesterday. Very true. We have to work for what we want other wise we'll just be another LB statistic that says "You'll lose aproximately 50% of your excess weight" I'm already further than 50% and plan to go all the way. Exercise and healthful choices are the way to get it done.

  3. I love Brenda, she's my Texas sista. Oh, and she's lost 115! :)

  4. I am blushing.......thanks for the shout out!

  5. going to go check it out

  6. I am jumping over there right now!

  7. That was a great post she did. And it is so true.

  8. A very realistic post. thanks for posting the link.

  9. It has been five days since my surgery. Your blog is fabulous. I can't wait to start living with my Lap-Band (right now I'm just "resting" with it).

    You have a new follower!
