
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Break Room Update

Here's a quick photo in follow up to my previous post entitled "Does Your Job Make You Fat?"

Here are the current offerings in the break room:  
  • Chocolate covered graham crackers
  • Chocolate truffles (various flavors)
  • Gingerbread cookies
  • Lemon shortbread cookies
  • Chocolate covered Oreos


  1. Gosh!
    You must be the epitome of self-discipline!!!
    Is there any healthy option there for you if you waver?

  2. LOL those meanies!! Sounds like where I work!

  3. I would have to stay out of the break room!

  4. This is what happens at my job too. Our school nurse always has 1 or 2 bowls of candy on her desk and the break room is a minefield of bad food. I struggle with it every day. One day they were having an ice cream social party. It was the day after a birthday party and the day before another birthday party. I talked to my boss and nearly broke down - she let me go home l/2 hour early to avoid the whole party. She is very sympathetic but also one of the worst doughnut/cake pushers. It is a major problem for those of us trying to avoid that kind of food and really who needs to have all that available at all times all days? sigh....

  5. I am awe that you managed to lose weight surrounded by all of that and that you continue to maintain surrounded by it. You have some killer willpower, girl!

  6. Some evil person filled three large "pumpkins" with primo candy bars in my office. I hit them last night because I had to work late :( I'm hoping they quickly disappear once the students catch sight of them.

  7. Wow! You must have a lot of self control! I am glad I don't work there!

  8. holy crap! I would have such a hard time controlling myself with all that around! Props!

  9. I want to work with you!! All we have are some half ass vending machines.

  10. Sugar doesn't really do it for me. But, please do not get in between a bag of chips and me. Oh, wait - that was the old me. Hmm. But I still don't want to try that temptation.

  11. I would eat all of it... I dunno how you do!

  12. Where do you work, Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory? Oh My!! you have some serious willpower!!

  13. Oooof. I thought my break room was bad.
