
Sunday, June 26, 2011

This is Rattlesnake Country!

Did you know that hiking is really just walking outside (not on pavement)?  Who knew?!?  

When I was a fatty, the idea of hiking kinda scared me.  Perhaps it was because I knew how much my feet, ankles, knees, and back would hurt after hiking in a 256+ lb 5' 4" body....not to mention the sweat and beat red face that would happen too.

Well, the secret is out....this indoor girl is becoming more outdoorsy.  

I heaved myself up another mountain today.  A 2+ hour hike. Here are some of the views at the top:

Imagine my surprise when I saw this 4-5 foot rattlesnake heading my way while we took a break on the trail...YIKES!  It seemed just as scared of me as I was of it:

Here I am at the top!


  1. Oh wow, I would have ran away so fast! And I can't wait to do some hiking of my own! That's definitely a NSV I'm looking forward to.

  2. Goodness me. If a rattle snake isn't incentive to move quickly, I don't know what is!

  3. Nice shot of the snake! Not to mention some beautiful views! Looks like a great hiking area. Glad you've discovered hiking! I love day hikes (even when I was heavy, it's just much easier now!).

  4. Ain't no mountain hight or big enough for me and snakes! You are a brave little girl!

  5. Hey, you can almost see my house from there! We get a few rattlesnakes here. I don't like them one bit! My daughter hikes TR often, I have a few pictures of her in that same spot, hehe
    Great job!

  6. Beautiful views...except the snake...yikes!

  7. Just gorgeous. I don't like the outdoors much. I hate bugs. :)

  8. Hiking is not something I ever thought of as being fun, but then again it just might be my weight. Next week while in HI my friends have a hiking trip or two planned so I will get a more skinner me try at it. We shall see. The views should be awesome.

  9. I love hiking! I'm jealous you live somewhere where you're able to get those beautiful views. :)

  10. Yes, that is beautiful. Except for the snake! I would have been so scared, haha!

  11. I want to go hiking SO BADLY. That's one of the things I tried and failed at when I was heavier, and I desperately want another shot at it. I wish I lived somewhere that the elevation changed - Florida is too flat for good hiking! Hmmm...I may just have to come visit you. :-) Oh except

  12. Oops...hit enter too soon. Was going to say except for the snake...I would have been scared.

  13. Ummm, I think i need to check my pants, because that snake scared the shit outta me. *Shivers*

    I love LOVE love to hike. But here in flatland country there are no hills or beautiful views. Just fields. miles and miles of flat fields. boring. When i lived in Colo, I hiked every day!
