
Friday, June 24, 2011

The Best Investment I Ever Made

As you know, I am a self-pay patient.  I practically burned a whole in my Capital One Visa card paying for my Lap Band surgery.

If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you also know that I love personal finance and pinching those pennies.  Suze Orman is my Deity.  She tells it like it is in her no-nonsense style.  I love one of her new sayings for those of us in the dating world..."Fico first, then sex."  Yeah, no putting out until you've seen his FICO scores ladies! 
Anyways, I was so happy to hear about a recent study that shows how quickly gastric banding pays for itself.  Check this out: New Study Finds That Gastric Banding Pays for Itself In Approximately Two Years for Patients With Diabetes and Four Years for Patients Without Diabetes

Wow!  That's AWESOME!

I wonder if the study takes into account all those fabulous tiny outfits that I now spend my money on as a result of the weight loss?  Probably not.


  1. This is awesome! I was self-pay because I didn't want to wait a year and jump through all the insurance hoops with the possibility of getting denied. I was ready to start my new life and so far, even only 4 weeks out, it has been worth every penny!

  2. Now I want to read about some men already. You need to take this new awesome body out for a road test and a fill up.....Sorry about that last bit, but it's time...

  3. I love Suzy too. Interesting article! Thanks so much for sharing.

  4. I also want to read about your dating adventures! Do you ever share any of that? Btw, that is hilarious about the FICO first! :)

  5. I am so glad you posted that artical! Ha..about what Suzy says about sex. True though!!

  6. In Canada, we're all self pay (so far...I keep hoping the gov't will change that), and I tell people, I'd do it all over again even if it was twice the price. Getting your life back is totally worth it.

  7. Oh man! Gilly stole my comment. I was going to say I would pay double what I paid! Totally worth it!

  8. Suze Orman is great!

  9. FICO first, then sex - too too funny!!!
