
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

“Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.”

Don't you just love Dr. Seuss quotes?
I've been receiving really great Lap Band / healthy lifestyle questions from you guys on the Facebook page and via email.  Speaking of emails, you're so sweet with your emails and comments lately. I especially like it when you say I look like random Ginnifer Goodwin *blush*  All of these compliments are going to go to my head and I'll soon have an ego the size of Oklahoma....but I digress.

I thought that I would put all of the questions in one place - a new tab at the top of the blog so they are all in one easy to find spot.

So, here's your chance.  Ask away in the comments section below! Some recent questions include:
  • What is Zumba?
  • Was there a time when I hated exercise?
  • Do I have any problems with excess skin?
  • What is my favorite brand of protein shake?
  • What vitamins do I take? Which brands?


  1. Love your posts. First time commenter. Just have to say that "Horton Hears a Who" is my favorite Dr. Seuss book, however, it looks like you chose an *ahem* edited version. LOL!

  2. Hi Mrs. B, yes, I love funny spoofs on things :)

  3. Hi Karin! Back at the end of April you attended the Allergan conference. You mentioned that there were some surprising band complications. Can you go into some of those things that were mentioned? Also - is it during instalation or even after the band has been successfully installed that things can crop up?

  4. haha! People tell me all the time that I look like Hayden Panatierre (sp?). I don't see all! I think you look like Meredith from Grey's Anatomy (Ellen Pompeo?) Crazy!

  5. AnonymousJune 28, 2011

    Hi What are some good sources of protein when you can't do eggs or meat?

  6. Let us know when you post the tab!

    And I totally see the Ginnifer Goodwin thing!!!

  7. Love the good Dr. And the quotes from his books are awesome. I posted a while back a couple that helped me with dropping the pounds. I need to frame them.
    Read them here
