
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Does Your Job Make You Fat?

I don't really blog about my job and what I do for a living.  Mainly because this blog is about who I am not what I do.  However, I will make an exception today.

I work HERE.  Therefore, guess what kind of Outlook email meeting invitations I receive on a weekly basis?  I get invited to tastings where we can give our opinions on current and potential products.

Today's Outlook meeting invite is for tastings of THESE and THESE.  Last week it was THIS!  Yeah, and wouldn't you know it, the tastings are "required"...whatever that means.

Don't tell anyone, but I have never EVER shown up to a sensory's our little secret...promise not to tell?  So far, the tasting police haven't found me out yet.

Guess what I see in the break room/kitchen area daily? CHOCOLATE  I usually try and walk past really fast like if I don't smell or look at it too long, then I won't eat it...this tactic works about 50% of the time.  The other 50% of the time I eat me some chocolate.

So, my question to you, do you find food choices difficult when you are at work? 

Do you sometimes want to bitch slap the coworker who brings donuts/bagels into work? What about those people who bring in cookies/cakes/etc that they baked at home the night before? Don't even get me started on those office potlucks! Sigh.
What are your food challenges at work?


  1. OMG...Yes. They are always celebrating something at this dang prison. Which means there is a lunch and learn. Which also mean there is a food sampling. Something like fried chicken, peach cobbler and other goodies. I try to stay in my office and not attend. Then I am labled as antisocial.

    Can't win for losing around this place.

  2. Wait a minute... You work there !!! OMG, thin, beautiful and free stuff... I am moving....

  3. Im a Medical assistant at a pediatricians office. We get catered lunches every Wed and Thurs. Its normally yummy, unhealthy food! ! And during holiday season, everyone brings us chocolate... I think people forget we're a doctors office lol.
    <3 Sam

  4. We have potlucks several times a year. I have recently stopped participating it's always the same thing. Two or three people sign up for actual meal food and a few others throw some chips or store bought cookies at the buffet table and the rest all eat the food without contributing. It used to be fun, now it's lovingly called, "mandatory fun" I hate it.

    We also have a director and a manager who occasionally bring in bagels and donuts. I never have a problem resisting these temptations because I'm not a donut or bagel gal. I'm more a "There is free pasta, garlic bread and potatos in the break room" type gal. :)

    Also yes, the way people keep their desks at work is seriously an indicator for me of how clean their kitchen likely is at home.

  5. The owner of my company gets donuts for his poker buddies every tuesday and friday (he has a 'car shop' on the company's property that they play in). Somehow, he got the idea that my dept. loves donuts, so every tuesday and friday he calls me up and says, "This is Pepe LePue, I have something for you."

    How do you turn down the 75 year old owner of your company when he says something like that??!!

    But most times, I have found Willpower, taken the donut and given it away. Most times.

  6. We stress eat where I work. Hard days/nights mean take-out and lots of "goodies" passed around!

  7. I work in a hospital, and I am surrounded by potlocks every weekend, chocolates and baked goods from family members. Normally we put the stuff back in our classroom, and then for me, it is out of sight and out of mind, however, when it is not put away, I do struggle!

  8. Every time I walk into our break room there is some kind of baked good, sweet, or extra chips/desserts left out by the vending machine guy for free! It drives me CRAZY!!!! It's like first thing in the morning is temptation. It sucks because 80% of the time I give in to it and eat WAY more than I should of it which then sabotages my whole day and then I eat terribly.

  9. I work for a trucking company. Everyday some one goes to pick up lunch, they bring healthy fried chicken, fried seafood, burgers, fries, and Chinese. Or we cook...fried fish, BBQ, gumbo, jambalaya, you get the picture. I usually bring my lunch and I always keep something here that I can safely eat, just in case, but it's hard.

  10. Great post - and I can't believe you work THERE! My word, Woman - you've got the strongest will power on the planet!!

    I think "food" and too much of it is somewhere close to the top of the list of "Reasons why I retired from healthcare"!

  11. OMG those cinnamon things made me drool all over my keyboard! My work place isn't temptation, thank heavens, I mainly work with a bunch of guys, well you know guys aren't betty crocker's, once in awhile someone brings donuts in and I just avoid them like the plague. In my department we are all eating healthy now so none of us bring in tempting foods, which helps big time. Or if anyone brings anything in it's typically in lunch rooms or other buildings so I just avoid those places too.

  12. um, I think I just gained 10 pounds reading your post! Man oh man, that puts a whole new prespective on how far you've come! I struggle at work because most of the day I am behind a desk, sedentary. and munchie. but I try to bring good choices that won't derail me to much.

  13. I'm bowing my head in shame right now because I AM that co-worker that brings in baked goods all the time! Ha! I love to bake and it's the perfect way for me to have a little snippit of it at home and then off load everything else to my co-workers (they've all probably gained a pound or two since I've had my surgery) :)

  14. Everyday they put out chips, dip, crackers, cookies and chocolate here. I generally try to stay away from it all. As long as I don't take that first bite, I am ok.

    I LOVE that e-card and want to remember it next time we have a pot luck. There are a few people here that it would apply to!

  15. People are constantly bringing in baked goods, We have bagels every week. Pizza and ice cream parties all the time...

    I am an auditor so I sit my desk all day... No wonder I have packed on all these lbs.

  16. It is a requirement of my job (yes, actually a requirement) to have multiple types of candy on hand to feed the addictions of the group I support. There is a counter conveniently by my desk where this candy all lives. At first, it was sooo hard to resist. Now I think I am numb to it. Altho every now and then I had an M&M's attack.

  17. You have it tough. Really. My indulgence is walking across the street to the Ikea store and buying 5 chocolate bars for $1 each. I work with a bunch of weirdos so not much food comes by our way. It's a good thing. Now if I can just get Ikea to move their location...

  18. Thankfully I work at home and don't have to deal with that. I do however have so many temptations on the weekends when hanging out with friends and that can be really tough. I just decide before I go that I'm not having anything and don't give myself the option. I like the little picture at the end. When I worked in an office my coworkers and I would never eat food that this one lady brought because she was just nasty, haha!

  19. Haha, that cartoon is hilarious!

    Even though it can be tempting to blame people/places when they place us, without warning, on the front lines of temptation, we've got to learn to say no or eat in moderation and that it!
