
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Witching Hour

I have been struggling lately with eating (or trying to not eat) after work/dinner. 

You know...that time between dinner and bedtime..?  I am so great with my food choices during the day at work and even during the day on the weekends.  Something just happens at night and I turn into a "Head Hunger" beast.

Well, lucky for me, I go to bed early (~9pm) since I have to be up early for work.  But still...that time between 7-9pm...I seem to creep my way back into the kitchen to see what I could eat.

I remember a tip/joke from back in the day when I was doing WW.  The leader would say, "If you run out of points for the day, just go to bed."  Ha ha ha..if only it was that easy.

I am trying to use my Sumo Wrestler analogy (Remember this post?).  It's not working.

Maybe brush my teeth right after dinner?  I don't chew gum any more for fear of swallowing that's out.

Any tips for correcting this behavior?


  1. I, too, would love to hear some tips about this. It is the most difficult time of the day for me, as well.

  2. Not sure if you are a coffee drinker, but I like flavored coffee so at night after dinner I usually make a cup of flavored coffee and that to me is like a dessert. I know a lot of people have a problem with caffeine so it may or may not work. But I also really like the flavored creamers and I get the sugar free ones because they are the lowest in carbs and only 1g of fat. But like I said this to me is like a dessert/snack and it gets my liquids in too, but it fills me up and really satisfies my craving for eating at night.

  3. I do the brushing your teeth thing, but also lately I have grabbed a protein shake at night. My nutritionist way back when told me that was the best thing if I felt I absolutely had to have something at night. It also helps to keep you satisfied through the night (if thats an issue for anyone) and you don't wake up feeling starved. And as a bonus, it more protein!!! ;) good luck!

  4. My problem is at work, once I'm home I can keep busy enough that I don't want to eat, but in the afternoon at work, it's horrible. I chew gum, that helps me and I keep a toothbrush and whitening strips in my drawer, you can't eat with those on for at least 30 minutes. Good luck!

  5. What about making a cup of hot chocolate? I find that if I drink a cup of hot tea it curbs my hunger a bit!

  6. I'm right there with you! I do the hot liquids trick. Did you know whipped cream topping was only 15 calories a serving? (my new favorite treat on my decaf) sometimes I grab a handful of almonds or walnuts or a whole bag of popcorn =/ clearly, I haven't figured it out yet.

  7. I find that over these last few days, I have been experiencing the same thing - between dinner and bedtime, I get the urge to eat and I know that I am not hungry but I find myself in front of the fridge anyway !

    I just go into my bedroom and close the door - that usually works - sometimes, I go and try on clothes that I want to get into, that helps too but as you are at your goal weight that's not a tip that you can use!

  8. Hard time for me too. Sorry I can't offer any tips. Usually I try to have one snack during that time and be satisfied with that. Sometimes decaff tea helps fill me up.

  9. Sugar free popsicles. I have been known to have 3 or 4 in one evening, and at 15 calories a pop it really isn't that is my favorite. :)

  10. I have been having this too. I think part of mine is I am still pretty new to my sleeve so I can't eat much (like 1/8th-1/4th cup) right now. I will grab a protein shake or tell my family that I am wanting to eat, but not "needing" to eat so we can do something to distract me.

  11. I definitely agree! That is the hardest time of day for me too. It's easy at work because I don't have the time to snack all the time but at home, where I am comfy and can get bored easily I am totally tempted after dinner to snack until bed time. It SUCKS!!!

    What to do????

    I gave you an award. check out my blog!

  12. Night eating is a real trap and many of us seem to fall into it. I have a couple of strategies that work for me. I always keep on-hand some snacks that I can have. My favorite is the mini-bags of light popcorn. I sprinkle on some Molly McCheese and it is very tasty and takes a good long time to eat. I'll probably have this maybe once every couple of weeks or so.

    I've also been known to make a cup of decaf tea or have a protein shake.

    Let us know what you end up doing. This seems to be a common problem.

  13. I try to eat a little bit later in the evening so there is not much time afterwards for snacks and I am still pretty full before bed. If I am hungry, I have an EAS protein shake (110 cals and 17 grams protein). They are just okay as far as protein shakes go, but low cal, low carb, and high protein and seem to satisfy that sugar desire. I also chew on my Caltrate chewies. Or I have no more than 100 calories of dark chocolate. I try for just 50 cals but it is hard! ;)

  14. i second the coffee if i'm just wanting something sweet. decaf for me! if i'm truly hungry i try a mini bag of light popcorn or a cup of greek yogurt sweetened with splenda and cinnamon. sometimes a fruit smoothie if i think i did a poor job getting all my fruits/veg in. i haven't been banded though so i don't know if any of my ideas are worth trying.

  15. I have started using crystal light flavored water when I start to feel snacky. I am usually still not up to my daily water intake and it makes me feel like I am getting something sweet.

  16. Bad time of day that witching hour(s)..... I knit.. I'm too busy counting and trying not to screw it up that I forget about food...

  17. I'm going to jump on the hot beverage bandwagon.

    My crisis time is after I get home from work/before dinner. I finally realized that I think I'm thirsty and mistaking it for hunger. So I drink something and voila, instant relief. It's even more satisfying if it is hot (I do coffee, but tea would work too-- sometimes I do the "diet" hot chocolate packets at 25 calories).

  18. I try not to have anything really tempting in the house. I was reading recently a quote that said if you think you're hungry and you don't want an apple, then you're bored. If you want the apple, go ahead and eat it. It is free on WW now. :)

  19. I am laughing I love Caron's advice. I am sitting here reading blogs totally full and fighting with head hunger. I have skinny cows in the house when I want a treat so I am sitting here arguing with my self that I REALLY am not hungry.

  20. Can you delay your dinner a bit? Maybe have a cup of tea or a tiny snack when you first get home and wait an hour to eat your dinner? I have a weird schedule so I don't usually eat dinner until 9:30 or so. I go to bed around 11:30 on most weeknights so there's no time to be hungry after dinner. I eat, take my gummy vitamins, brush my teeth, and I'm done eating for the night.

  21. You mentioned after working out... After a workout is when your body most wants fuel. In fact in the 90 minutes after working out your body is trying to build muscle mass and it *needs* protein to do it.

    I started drinking "slim fast" type chocolate 'shakes" after my workouts. I looked hard at the gym for a low-carb AND low cal protein drink mix.

    Use the blender or food processor and make it margarita style with ground up ice cubes! I also put a little peanut butter in (tastes great, good fat oils and low cal)

    A few baby carrots along with it and you are under 200 cals/4 carbs but with gobs of protein vitamins and minerals! Plus the carrots digest slowly keeping that "full sensation" longer.
