
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What was your word for the year?

Remember back in January when we all chose our "WORD" for the year?  What word did you choose?

Well, if you look back on my January 3 post HERE, you will see that my word was CHOICE.

I think that I am still living with this word "choice" in my head on a daily basis.

  1. Yesterday, I wanted a cookie from the cafeteria..yeah, the chocolate chip cookies were calling my name.  These are the large 5 inch cookies.  YUM.  So I chose to buy a cookie, break it in half, and give the other half to a coworker.  I enjoyed my half and therefore chose to eat less.  All I really needed was the taste of that cookie.
  2. On monday when I went to my surgeon's office for the news interview, I chose not to take the elevator and walked up the three flights of stairs to the office.
I am hoping that the more I make these choices, the more they will be automatic lifestyle habits.

PS: Thank you all for your support and kind words on my TV news debut!  Oprah will be calling me for an interview any minute now!  LOL


  1. like allan said... I want a cookie!

    I have a post-it on my bathroom mirror, and one on my fridge, and one on my computer's desk top that all say "One healthy choice at a time."

  2. My word was "Adventure", what an adventure it has been. My word for 2011 is "Simplify" - I plan to simplify things in my life, use what I already have on hand, cook simpler and more natural meals. Choice is an excellent word - what will your word for 2011 be?

  3. That's a great word "choice" - I think I will make it my word for 2011 :)

    Its true, how we make our choices and stick to them is the difference between success and failure - and you certainly have chosen to be successful! Keep up the good work :)

  4. I wasn't blogging in January, so I don't have a "word".. But, like Silver (above), I absolutely LOVE the word "choice"!! I think it completely sums up what my goals actually are! And, with your permission, I would like to snarf this word from YOU - and make it mine for 2011....

    Thank you for inspiring me on so many levels!

  5. My word for 2011 I think will be protein. I have to remember to eat the protein first and then maybe I can get off this see saw and lose the last of my weight. I have been slacking off and eating between meals and going away from the eating program I am supposed to be eating.
