
Friday, January 6, 2017

What Have I Been Up To?

Yep. It's been a hot minute since I last blogged.

So let's catch up, shall we?

It was end of August when I last checked in with you and here's the whirlwind that has happened in the last four months:

A fun romantic getaway to Sedona, AZ in September. We are still newlyweds after all!

A business trip Down Under to land of the koala bears: Sunrise in Sydney

A visit to the pumpkin patch here in gorgeous Northern California:

Halloween was a blast: Jackie O. ~ Vote for Kennedy!

 Thanksgiving in London: bike riding over the Thames

Christmas day hike:

What also happened during these past four months?

A 16+ pound gain.


I could show you how super tight my jeans are but instead, here's an end of the year weigh-in evidence:


How did I get here?
  • I have not been doing weekly weigh-ins
  • I've been eating pretty much whatever I want to (my Lap-Band does not stop me)
That's it.

My food choices and lack of accountability have led me to today. All the workouts that I do each day are not enough to undo all my poor eating choices.

Moving forward: what am I doing about this?

Getting back to doing weekly weigh-ins and not eating whatever the hell I want.

It's not rocket science.

Easier said than done, of course.

I've been tracking my food.

I've been eating all the foods that got me to goal in the first place.

One week later, here's today's Friday weigh-in: a loss of 3.4 lbs

I am still learning that the lifestyle of someone with obesity is that I can never just let it go on automatic pilot.

It's an every day kind of thing.

It's a life of daily/weekly small corrections and refocusing, because if I ignore it, it will snowball into 20+, 30+ pounds or more.  That's scary for me.

Until next week my friends.


PS: if you'd like to see all the details of what I eat (recipes, videos) and other daily updates, please check out my facebook page.


  1. I think it becomes more difficult to manage our weight as life gets bigger - marriage, kids, work, travel. It is harder when you don't have the time to work out the way you'd like or you have to take someone else into consideration when planning meals. It is still do-able, but much more difficult. It requires more planning, more accountability, and maybe revised goals if they are no longer realistic.

  2. can't out exercise a bad diet :) Glad you're back!
