
Monday, August 1, 2016

Let's Get Really Clear Here For One Hot Minute

I've been kind of quiet here on the blog and using my facebook page for updates and shares.

Have you gone to Facebook to "like" my page yet? You'd see this pic there:
Fourth of July Weekend - Vegas!

I've been rockin' my intense workouts.

I've been taking my vitamins every day.

I've been drinking my buckets of water.

I've been going to support group meetings.

But what I have I not been doing?

Since about Christmas time, I have not been consistent with my weekly weigh-ins.

My weekly weigh-ins are my most helpful tool of how I lost weight and how I continue to maintain my weight loss.

Weekly weigh-ins are my accountability.

Somehow my brain got ridiculous.

I started thinking that I could track my success with how I felt and the scale wasn't as important as I had always made it out to be. Indeed. Ridiculous.

So I stopped weighing in every week.

I also have not been tracking my food choices and portions.

I've noticed that my pants and shirts are getting a little tight.

I've realized that my lower back is hurting a little bit.

My daily workouts are just a tad more difficult.


'Cuz I am carrying around EXTRA weight.

So I stepped on the scale this morning. I am officially 13lbs above my goal weight.

Here's proof (and accountability):

Sure, 13 lbs.  Big Whoop-dee-doo-da, right?  No biggie, right?

Do I still fit into my size 6/8 pants? Yeah, just barely.




This 13 lbs gain can turn into 15 lbs gain, that can then turn into 25 lbs gain, and then 35lbs gain, and then, and then. 


I am turning this freight train around.

This train is headed for 145lbs goal weight station.

I've been there before and I will be there again.

Not doing my weekly weigh-ins was my BIG MISTAKE and my biggest learning lesson so far in my journey.

I have been eating off plan.

Portions are too big.

Food choices are not healthy.

I am owning these choices I have made these 6+ months.

No matter how hard and often I workout, it will never make up for too many calories in my diet.

Sure, I could make all kinds of lovely excuses of why this happened, like: I have no money, no time, too much work stress, blah, blah, blah.

But no way Jose.  No excuses for me.

I made all of those food choices.

I am back to weekly weigh-ins and also tracking my food on old school post-it notes.

I'll be back on Friday for my weekly weigh-in.



  1. Never skip a weigh-in. Good lesson to learn. I'll be watching. :)

  2. Ha!! The unknown is Bandedwendy :)

  3. you got this Maama... it is a slippery slope and we have to be ever diligent!

  4. Yep, it is a slippery slope (says the gal who slipped up 27 lbs this year). But you're right, being accountable and making a public goal is absolutely doable and the helpful approach!

  5. Did the same here… I eat back my 60lb loss :( But there we go. It happens. 13 lbs is a drop in the ocean from where you've come. You can do this! :-)

    Xx hugs bunny xX
