
Monday, February 24, 2014

The Secret Power of the Pink Tutu

I gave my Mom this bright pink tutu on Christmas Eve.  All wrapped up in a big Christmas box with a fancy bow:

And included with that tutu, were registration tickets to the most aweseome-sauce 5k color run for that upcoming February.

We would walk that 5k together in just a few months:

So what has happened since Mom received that pink tutu Christmas gift?

Actually, it wasn't good.

Mom was concerned.

Really worried.

Her hip, knees, shoulders, and feet hurt.

Uh Oh. 

She was worried whether she would be able to walk a that entire 5k.

Mom then got serious.

She joined a gym and made friends with the treadmill.

She started walking on that treadmill.

She walked 5 times a week on that treadmill.

3 miles each morning.

At 5am. 

Before work.

I guess you could say that bright pink tutu lit a fire inside her.

She was determined to wear that pink tutu and walk an entire 5k.

As the months passed, something wonderful happened:

She noticed that her hip didn't hurt anymore.

Her feet, shoulders, and knees...the aches and pains were GONE.

Mom was ready for the 5k walk.

And this past Saturday, we walked that walk together.

Gettin' ready for the 5k.  No dye...yet.

Rockin' that tutu!

Color bomb!



  1. I love this! You have given your mom a gift that will carry on for years. So, when's your next 5k together? :)

  2. That is the best gift every. I love that she wanted to participate in that 5k so much with you that she took the steps to make it happen. Tell you mom she is AWESOME!!!

  3. That is by far the most kick-ass thing I've seen all day!! Rock those tutus ;-)

  4. Fab..... Great pics too x

  5. Who doesn't love a pink tutu?! Absolutely out-freaking-standing. Go mom!!!!

  6. This is great! I've signed up for 4 5Ks in the next 3 mos so this hit home for me. Thanks for sharing!

  7. You're always an inspiration.
