
Friday, December 27, 2013

How I Lost Weight Over Christmas Week

Before I tell you what the official weigh-in was for this week, let us first admire Pemberley wearing her new hair bow that Santa brought her.  Awww....
Here's the digits for this week's weight:

Last week's weight: 142.6 lbs

Today's weight: 139.6 lbs

How in the heck did a THREE pound loss happen over Christmas week with all those goodies and treats everywhere?

Let's make a list, shall we?
  1. I told you over on Facebook that my band was feeling SUPER TIGHT because Aunt Flo was about to arrive. Adding in some stress and seasonal sinus allergies: a Lap-Band perfect storm for tightness.
  2. Because of the super tight feeling, I ate very much like a bandster is supposed to: barely a half a cup of food at each meal.  I probably had 2-3 bites of turkey and a small stuffing "muffin" for Christmas lunch. And I was absolutely OK with that.  For me, the holidays are no longer about the food, but rather who I spend my holidays with that matter.
  3. I only exercised twice over the week instead of my usual 4-5 times for the week. I probably lost some muscle.
  4. I usually lose weight during the week of Aunt Flo's visit.
Here is today's weigh-in photo. That's Pemberley's paw in the upper left. She's been there at every weekly weigh-in since I began my weight loss journey in August 2009:


  1. Way to Go! And love Pemberly and her new bow.

  2. Way to Go! And love Pemberly and her new bow.

  3. I am so happy that you were able to reach your weight loss goal. I have just finished my 4 months of apts to submit approval from my insurance company for the lapband. But i am afraid that i will fail at weight loss. Ive been looking for up to date blogs or other "bandster" sites and the only one i found that is still being written on is yours. Thank you for the information you post it is valuable to me and motivational.

  4. At the risk of sounding awkward, you are pretty much my lapband idol! You have taken this tool and made it work for you in such an amazing way! I recently have been approved by my insurance for lapband surgery so I'm just starting out on my journey. I came across and read your blog when I was first looking into weight loss surgery and you have inspired me so much. I started my own blog to chronicle my lapband adventures ( Feel free to stop by and see my story if you would like :)

    Anyways, I just wanted to compliment your awesomeness and say thanks for being such a great inspiration to me and your fellow bandsters. Congrats on your all of your success!

  5. My husband has had the lapband. For 6 years sometimes he can't eat what can I make for him... Its hard for him to get anything down and his office is his car so he is always on the go...
