
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Banded Bloggers Alert!

Please go say HELLO to these lovely ladies.

They've just started blogging about their Lap-Band journeys.

RxLapBandLady who is getting banded tomorrow! OMG. And...her Mom gets banded next week! I love that they will be on this weight loss journey together. She has a weight loss ticker for accountability at the top of her blog. That makes me smile.

Kat's Adventure 'N Weight Loss. She's soon to be banded and she's a Canadian. Eh? I dig her recent post where she talks about how the Canadian health care system can suck it. It doesn't cover Lap-Band surgery. That's lame, Canada. But luckily Canada still makes yummy Maple syrup, so there's a bonus.

Funny Girl.  Banded just two weeks ago on Aug. 27! She's also Canadian. I sometimes wish I was Canadian too. Can you please adopt me? I can learn to wear plaid. Check out her weight loss ticker at the top of her blog. She's rockin' it. 

I totally dig these ladies' blogs. Go say whaz' up and tell 'em Lap Band Gal sent ya.


  1. I'm getting banded on the 30th!

    1. Molly, I have you on my readers list on my blog and have been keeping up on your journey this far :)

  2. I'm getting banded on the 25th! Woo hoo! :D
