
Friday, July 5, 2013

Weigh-in Day & a Nifty Chart For You

My weight is posted up there.

Ya know, look up in the ticker near the top of this page.

If you're viewing this on your smartphone, then you can't see my weight today.  That's a stupidphone in my opinion.

Oh well.

No biggie.

So you do know that weight maintenance is boring?

Fo' sho'.


There is never a new exciting all-time-low weigh-in to report to you each week.

But I did make you a neato bandito chart instead.

You're welcome.

This chart's got some pretty colors on it.

If I had some hot pink glitter or a Bedazzler I would have made it even more fantabulous for you.

Sequins make everything better.

So does cake.

But wait.

I digress...

What did making this graph teach me?
  1. That my weight stays in the same 6 lb range usually:  137-143 lbs.  Perhaps this is my weight maintenance happy place?
  2. That I enjoy making charts in Excel WAY. TOO. MUCH. Is there a 12-step recovery program for this condition? Help.


  1. I love that chart. You're adorbs, and congrats on another week of rockin maintenance.

  2. I love charts and pretty much Excel in general! There is no help for it!

  3. I love your humor. Great chart.

  4. I love your charts and your blog! I don't ever think you are boring!

  5. I also love making excel spreadsheets! How cool that you found your 6 pound weight maintenance! Like I always say, you are an inspiration!

  6. OMG I'm an Excel junkie too! I think SEEING it helps remind you of progress. I can't wait to be where you are, you've done amazingly well!
