
Monday, April 1, 2013

Book Giveaway Alert!










Have you read it?

I have.


You should too.

All the cool kids are doing it.

This book is written by a rad bariatric surgeon who's done loads of weight loss surgeries ever since the early 1990s.  If Cliff doesn't know what the secrets are to help you to be successful with your surgery, then I'm not sure who does.

This book is a quick and easy read.  I used up and dried out my pink day-glow highlighter on this bad ass of a book.  It's a fountain full of juicy nuggets of weight loss wisdom and tips.

Now, I ask you the all-important question: Would you like to win a copy of this book?

Don't deny it.

You know that you do.

Here's how you can enter this giveaway contest:

Answer the following question in the comments below:

What is one thing that you can do now, that you couldn't do before losing weight? OR What do you look forward to doing once you lose weight?


Ready, set, go!  Good Luck!

PS: My answer to the question: Now that I have lost weight, I can now wrap a tiny Motel 6 sized bath towel around me and it covers me completely. Non-Scale Victory!


  1. This sounds like a great book and I'd love to read it!

  2. There are a lot of things I can do now, but my favorite one so far, that I am most proud of, is I could climb the Eiffel Tower! I can't imagine doing that 70 pounds ago. Hell, I couldn't even climb the stairs to my 4th floor work space prior to surgery!

    Would love to read it!

  3. I can now buy the cute sparkly butt jeans in the store and not have to order them online because they don't carry my ginormous size! That was my first goal achievement award. Now I can't buy enough of them!

  4. I can buy the same sweater, on accident, that my sister in law who is maybe 105 lbs bought. Different sizes but same store, same rack!!!

    We went shopping separately for family pics and bought the exact same sweater from the exact same store.

    I would have never been able to do that before weight loss surgery!!!!

  5. I would love to run, right now my joints hurt to much and I can't, but if I could just pick one thing I'm looking forward to doing it would be able to run with my kids and play tag etc. with them!!

  6. I'm not at goal yet but down 45lbs and I can climb the stairs in my house faster and I don't get winded! I would love to read this book.

  7. I look forward to many things, ofcourse. But 3 of the most important to me are 1. NOT needing to whisper to the flight attendant to bring me an extension!
    2. Being able to ride a roller coaster (I dont now) because I feel like I am going to pop all the bolts out (even though I know I wont)
    3. GO TO THE BEACH, I was always a fish, loved the water and haven't been in a long time because I feel like the whale.

  8. I can't wait, I just got it on my Kindle! But FYI, I can adjust the seat in my car without moving my butt over and forcing my arm down there.It's so nice!

  9. Just talked about this in my last blog entry. :-) I want to go to Vegas with my daughter - walk the strip and look in all the obscenely expensive stores, maybe even try on clothes. Feel pretty again and go to the spa with her.

  10. I would really like to read this! I think I am most looking forward to being able to shop ANYWHERE! But there are so many other things I am looking forward to. I started my journey then got stalled with life stress. Trying to pick it up again. Have a husband in kidney failure...he needs me healthy

  11. I can't wait to ride roller coasters again! I have refused to go to a nearby (and awesome) amusement park for - um, I guess it's been 3 or 4 years now? - because the last time I was there I came VERY close to not being able to latch a roller coaster restraint. Even though it finally clicked, I was so uncomfortable and embarrassed for the entire ride that it totally took all of the enjoyment out of it for me. I can't wait until I've lost enough to be able to comfortably ride that thing again!

  12. One word: RUN! Never would have guessed that was still in this old dog! Woohoo!

  13. There are 100+ things that I can do now and WANT to do 115 lbs later. My blog discusses my life since having my surgery 5 ago. As time goes on, I am still discovering how my life has changed by this fabulous tool. But, probably the most important thing is that I truly WANT to do things---I don't want to hide in my house away from people because of my size or feel embarrassed by how I look when I do go out and do things. Even though I love all things FASHION, being able to buy clothes and shoes that I love (and can wear!!!) are the cherry on top of it all!
    Crossing my fingers and my legs (BECAUSE I CAN!) that I win!
    Thanks for this opportunity! Hope it's not an April Fool's joke!

  14. I can keep up with my Grandkids! I am only half way to my goal but Its an awesome feeling to be able to run and play with them instead of just sitting and watching!

  15. Just one thing!? Hmm- One of my favorites is to be able to ride a roller coaster again!

  16. There are a lot of things I am excited to be able to do. One of the things I LOVE in life is fashion. I cannot wait until I can go to a regular store and buy cute boots and not have to worry about the exte wide calf ones that are jus never quite as cute. That will be the day :)

  17. There are so many things I can do now that I could not 16 months ago. The one's that really come to mind are: climbing flights of steps without even breathing heavy, tying my shoes in the center, crossing my legs without forcing it, wear sexy panties AND show them off to my husband, and get up out of floor with ease :)

  18. What an exciting book! I haven't had surgey yet. I am going in this Wed. (04-03-13). I want to RUN so bad. I have never been able to run to play with my kids, or just alone to relax. I can not wait until I can RUN.

  19. I can run 3 miles without walking! YaY!!!!!
    This book looks awesome! I can't wait to win this one!! :)

  20. I want to be able to run, like a 5K.

  21. I was able to run a 5k without stopping (in 85 degree weather on a hilly course). I put on my husband's size 38 pants by accident and they were too big on me. I've dipped below my listed license weight. I've hit the 110 lbs lost milestone. I'm in ONEderland. I can climb stairs without a problem. My feet hurt a lot less. I could go on and on!

  22. being able to sit on a rubbermaid lawn chair without breaking it.

  23. Since having my lap band surgery and losing weight I have been able to run a few 5k races! I was also able to get pregnant again without using fertility drugs! Thank you lap band.

  24. I cant wait to walk up the stairs with out my knee aching

  25. One of the things that absolutely floors me is that I let my husband physically pick me up now. He tends to do it when I'm not expecting it. I like that I'm small enough now to make this happen although it always gives me a bit of a scary feeling.

    What can I do now? Lots of things, but one of my favorites is that I can be active with my kids and husband. We are doing physical things together -- hiking, swimming, dancing, exercising.... It's great.

  26. One thing I can do now is shop on the "other side of the wall" you know the "normal" sized area. I am only 4 months post op and not near my goal but I'm 40 pounds thinner and getting thinner every week.

  27. I can shop in the regular clothing department, no more "women's" sizes!

  28. I now wear size XL pants and shirts where as 9 months ago I was wearing 5x or size 36 shirts and pants. :)

    Amy at Bohemian Burble

  29. If I don't win, I'll buy a copy (or more likely my cheap ass will get it from the library) but pulling the seatbelt tight on an airplane and having loads and loads of extra seatbelt never gets old!

  30. even though I didn't do the lap band... our journeys have been so similar. I bought the book on Amazon, may give more insight to a Lap banders journey

    love ya lady!!

  31. I can now run (or walk/run when I need to)! I could NEVER even fathom being able to run but now I can and do on a weekly basis. If I don't win, I'll be buying the book - thanks for sharing!

  32. I can wear high heels and not be in pain. Also be active with my kids on a daily basis....being a better mom.

    1. funny, this was what my last blog post was about! totally agree!

  33. I'm having my surgery on Friday April 5th. I so look forward to being able to go to an amusement park and enjoy the rides! I'd also like to be able to ride a horse. I need all the help I can get. I love your blog!

    1. Good luck! I have my surgery on the 26th :)

    2. Hope your surgery went awesome and you are feeling better day by day!!!!

    3. Terri, good luck with your surgery!!!!!!!!

  34. Shopping in the *regular sizes*!! No more plus size for me!!:)

  35. Getting through my step class without modifications. :-) And having lots of room in an airplane seat. Huge NSV. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book. :-)

  36. I know I probably don't deserve the book as much as everyone else who has entered, as I've been very absent lately, but I'm trying to make a comeback! So any motivation, including this awesome book, would be great! The thing that is most releavant in my life now is that doctors take my other issues seriously. I have had diagnosis' that are helping me find true health. At 256 lbs my only response for my issues was to lose weight. Now that I've lost so much they can't say that anymore and have to take me seriously. Case in point: my fibromylsia diagnosis. Symptoms before were attributed to my weight and I couldn't get a doctor to see past that, so I quit trying and suffered for so long.

  37. Running has been a great accomplishment for me so far! I can't wait to give my girls a run for their money on the volleyball court, or tennis court tho. I love how they keep commenting, "Mom's gotten faster!" I chase them and can almost catch them now :)

  38. I can wear clothes that are more fitting and not feel self conscious.

  39. I went on vacation and my feet and ankles did not hurt one bit and I didn't have to sit down and rest. What an awesome feeling.

  40. I have lost about 100 pounds since my weight loss surgery one year ago on April 28th and I am the healthiest I have ever been! I no longer take 4 blood pressure medications, cut my lupus medication in half, and cut my grocery bill in half! I was able to cut my front and back lawn without any exertion.....unbelievable. I ran my first 5K a month ago and came in second for my age group. And I am looking forward to floating down the Ichtucknee River this summer in an inner tube like everyone else instead of a raft. Go Band!

  41. I look forward to shopping in regular stores and the hope of finally being able to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child.

  42. Since losing almost 60lbs Pre surgery i can comfortably cut My toenails without a struggle. Now that I'm post surgery I'm looking forward to hopefully being able to run a marathon in two years!

  43. Since losing almost 60lbs Pre surgery i can comfortably cut My toenails without a struggle. Now that I'm post surgery I'm looking forward to hopefully being able to run a marathon in two years!

  44. Hello,

    I have a question about your blog, could you please email me? Thanks!!


  45. My dog can sit on my lap comfortably while I read...usually my round stomach kept him off. I also can paint my toe nails..and breathe at same time!

  46. I can't wait to walk in to a normal store and be able to try on anything. I can't wait to feel like I don't have to hide myself from the potential ridicule of others.

  47. Tomorrow is the first day of my liquid diet prior to surgery. I look forward to walking without the pain in my knees. I look forward to climbing the stairs without my heart beating out of my chest. I look forward to participating in life, rather than watching it from the sidelines. I look forward to kicking my grandson's butt in basketball!

  48. Tomorrow is the first day of my liquid diet prior to surgery. I look forward to walking without the pain in my knees. I look forward to climbing the stairs without my heart beating out of my chest. I look forward to participating in life, rather than watching it from the sidelines. I look forward to kicking my grandson's butt in basketball!

  49. One of the things I really hope to accomplish is to be able to climb stairs without getting winded and not being able to hold a has improved significantly since I've lost 64.7 lbs, but I'm still not there yet :)

  50. I can do spin class, and NOT be embarrassed about how I look! YAY!

  51. walking/hiking with less knee pain
