
Monday, January 21, 2013

What Did I Do On My Birthday?

Instead of sleeping in on Saturday, I woke up bright an early and met my friend Amy for a color run 5k.

What is a color run, you ask?

It's a 5k and every half mile or so along the course there are stations where the color run employees throw colored cornstarch at the runners as they pass by.  Every station is a different color.

Fun, right?!?


Here are a few photos from Saturday:
Pre-race and color-free.
A super sexy fanny pack too. Don't be jealous.
Waiting for the 5k to begin...along with a UNICORN.
Run! Can you tell that the first color station was PINK?
Mid-race photo op!
The race employees left the yellow station unattended,
so we had fun digging through the boxes
and having a color-throwing fight!
Whew! 5k over! Time to Par-tay!
Post-race concert and party. I burned way more calories
while dancing at the concert than I did during the 5k.

What do I eat after a 5k?
Pancakes! Duh.


  1. how do you keep your car clean after the race??

    1. A lot of the powder dusts off, then sit on a towel and garbage bag. Pretty easy :)

  2. Looks like a ton of fun!!

  3. Love this!! I did Zumba on Saturday morning, as usual, but this 5K seems way more fun! Go you!

  4. I want to do this so bad! and omg..pancakes..I wish I could eat them :-(

  5. Sorry...I got distracted midway by the shirtless hottie on stage. ;)

  6. I know! He is hot hot! What an awesome way to spend your birthday! Great pics!

  7. wow..what fun :) and you have some way warmer weather than we do!! (jealous jealous)...Hottie? What Hottie..I was lookin at the pancakes.

  8. Happy belated birthday to a very colorful woman!

    and now I want pancakes :)

  9. I had so much fun doing that last year! There is a new one near my house this summer that is a water fight type event - same idea as the Color Run, just getting wet the whole way. LOL

  10. I always swore I would NEVER run unless a big (really big) dog was chasing me... but this color thing... I LOVE color!!! I might have to learn to run!

  11. I'm doing the Color Run in April and I'm really REALLY excited about it!
