
Sunday, December 23, 2012

What Happens in the Dressing Room...

I wandered into a very quiet and empty White House Black Market the other day.

The sales ladies had these really bored yet eager looks on their faces.

I ignored them and started perusing the clearance racks. There is no way I would pay full price at that store. As my previous Oregonian self would say: "Spendy!"

Anywhoozle, I didn't think I would find anything good and would be out of there in a few minutes, but oh no...

Those sales ladies had other plans for me and quickly convinced me to start a dressing room.

I ended up in the dressing room with some dresses, jeans, and a few tops.

I remember how back in the day when I was a fatty, I would settle for clothes that were just "OK".  I never felt that "WOW!" when trying on clothes.

I settled on whatever didn't make me look too fat and covered up all my wobbly bits.


I must have that WOW! feeling when I try something on or it just doesn't come home with me.

These jeans are a perfect example of a ho-hum, not exciting, not the most flattering jeans (size 6).  So I didn't get them. But the shirt turned out to be awesome! (size small). The sales lady said the jeans were too big on me and brought me a size 4 (no photo).  They were the winner. Sorry no photo of the 4s:

How can I be a size 4 in jeans yet this size 8 dress fit me perfectly and is a "WOW!" in my book? Yep, bought it! Another clearance find! 

This black dress was almost a "WOW!" but I didn't like how I couldn't wear my normal bras with it - Still a cute and classic little black dress though.
But do you see that blue pattern strapless dress hanging right next to me?  OMG. Loved it. A size 8, fit in every way, except over the chest. I could connect the hook, but the side zipper wouldn't go up.  Therefore, I needed a 10 and since it was clearance, that 8 was the only size they had.  Boo.  Sadness.

But just between you and me: I did a little twirl in it in the dressing room in that blue dress.  Totally twirl-worthy!


  1. Love all of your finds. I get what you mean too about not buying if its not amazing.

  2. I totally get it! You look adorable in those dresses... and I won't buy unless I like it-- now that more things 'fit' and I don't have to be relieved about just fitting into something.

  3. you rocked the black and white dress, and the little black dress!
