
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being New

I walked into a new Zumba class in my new town last night and I didn't know a single person there.

It can be tough being the newbie.

It can be a little awkward.

How similar this was to my first Zumba class on January 12, 2010.

I remember that I weighed about 221 lbs at my first Zumba class.

I wore sweat pants and a big T-shirt. 

I stood in the back of the room.

But I still figured out the moves (it took more than a few classes with my two left feet).

And it turned out that I made some great friends in that class back in early 2010.

So, let's fast forward...

Fast forward to last night.  Here I am after Zumba class.

The workout clothes may be a little different now.

And I chose to stand in the front of the room this time.

...but I still know what it's like to be the newbie.


  1. I love how you took(I guess I should say KEPT) the control and just continued on with what you've been doing.

    You are the newbie whose not! lol


  2. Its a different you starting out as a newbie this time even though the feeling inside is the same Im sure the feeling inside the room was not - you are the cool new chick with the Zumba moves in your hot workout outfit. LOL - hope you will form new friendships in your new class and your new town. I know how hard it is to relocate - Good Luck!

  3. Great job not slinking away to the back!

  4. I always seem to be the new kid on the block in exercise classes and I do hide in the back. I go there partly because I hate being asked to move because "I always exercise there." That drives me crazy. I want to say "You should have been on time." but, of course, I never do. I just move and keep going. :(

    Good job on finding a class quickly.

  5. Our zumba class rotates rows after every song, but I always start in the front so I can immediately move to the back after the warm up song! Haha. :)

    So proud of you facing a new situation with your adorbs workout clothes and fantastic attitude!

  6. I hope you like your new instructor!! They can be SOOO different sometimes.

  7. Now you're just new to that class, not new to fitness or health!!

    Oh, and my Ruffles with Love prize shirt arrived today - look for a picture this weekend, it's so cute!!

  8. That's my issue sometimes. I wish I could just walk in a dancing class being the newest there and going there by myself, knowing no one and learn pretty much from scratch the moves! I find that so awkward and complicated to do!



  9. WEll moved to Cali? You will have to let me know where so when I do my yearly trans-state drive to Mill Valley I can make sure and meet you for Coffee or some such thing.


  10. good for you!!! How cool...hope the instructor rocked it...I totally believe and instructor can make you fall in love with the class!
