
Friday, August 17, 2012

Weigh-in Day & a Question for You

Today is either my 156th or 157th (?) weekly weigh-in. I should really keep track of these details.

Anywhoozle, here's the scoop:

Goal Weight: 145lb

Today's Weight: 141.6 lbs

Another week in maintenance.


Now a question for you:

I am going to the annual trailer trash themed party this weekend and need ideas on what to wear, how to do my hair, make-up, etc.  Help!

Here's what I wore to last year's party.

Note: duct tape name tag (we made up trailer trash names for each other), NASCAR hat, fake tattoos, and cigarettes stuffed down the bra:


  1. Pregnant with a HUGE tattoo across your chest. And stay barefoot :)

  2. Hello....Fun partay!! Hair in foam rollers, tank top, cutoff jean shorts with bedroom slippers (preferably some type of animal print), cigarette in one hand, PBR in the other. Given where I live, this is authentic trailer trash attire, trust me! Bra straps MUST show.

    I cannot wait for the pics! have fun!

  3. how about a bleached blond wig, come blue eyeshadow, pink lips, pink cheeks, pregnant with a mini skirt and tube top---

  4. Hair rollers bright red lipstick, fuzzy(dirty) slippers and knee highs rolled down a bit with a zip up mumu.

  5. Hair in ratty pigtails would be funny!

  6. A trip to any Wal-Mart should give you a plentitude of inspiration!! I usually see people walking around in PJ's there and as someone else mentioned, slippers.
    PS-Love the missing tooth in the photo!

  7. flip flops with tape for repair, cut offs or old 80's running shorts. Big hoop earring. Big hair in the front flat in the back. Gum with lots of snapping. babies pacifier and beer bottle opener from a retractable key chain holder.

    The tube top would also work but would scare the crappola out of me to wear so I won't suggeest it :)

  8. Don't forget the "tramp stamp"

  9. You need a pet piglet named "Glitzy"...and you can wear matching tiaras. (Honey Boo Boo)

  10. curlers...a pregnant belly and carry around a newborn sized doll....daisy dukes and a half shirt with a thong pulled up so you can see it (fake fur out of the front part of the shorts optional), a mullet wig

    I am so glad I can't take credit for these but they are all borrowed from a reckless redneck race we have here.

    I can send pictures if you want visuals, although you may never be the same, ;)

  11. Here is a link to a friend of mine's blog with pictures. My favorite is towards the bottom of the post, said thong, shorts, and mullet.

  12. I think you can find a whole bunch of inspiration On Demand for the show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" lol. Can't wait for pics!

  13. You even look adorable as trailer trash!!!

  14. Ha Ha what a fabulous party idea! We have bogans down here as apposed to trailer trash but I would suggest home made teeny tiny cut off denim jeans, thongs I think they are called flip flops over there right and of course a giant preggers belly! Makes all the difference ha ha!
    Have a wonderful time.
