
Friday, July 13, 2012

My 147th Weekly Weigh-In

I can't believe that I've done my Friday weigh-ins now for 147 weeks. 

If I had started knitting a sweater 147 weeks ago, I might be done with it by now. 

But wait, I don't know how to knit. 

If I did learn how to knit, I could achieve that oh-so-important status in the crazy cat lady inner circle of stardom. 

Pemberley would dig that. 

By the way, have you seen Pemberley's recent fur-cut? 

Her "butt in the front" shows now.

I can relate.
floofy camouflage. (BEFORE)
butt in the front. (NOW)
Onwards to the digits...

Goal Weight:  145 lbs.

Today's Weight: 141.4 lbs

My weekend begins in exactly 8.37 hours.  Let's all thank the baby Jesus for that.  Amen.  Hallelujah and happy clappies all around.

PS: I've turned on the Comment Approval feature here on the blog. I've been getting SPAM advertising comments lately.  Me no likey SPAM.  So quit that already.


  1. Pemberly must me solar are most cats.

    1. Yes, she is solar-powered. She moves from window to window around the house looking for the sunbeams :)

  2. I love Pemberly. She is so gorg!

    I should post updated pictures of my teensy Sushi. She must be made of styrofoam, she's only 5.4 lbs. : ) My Flame however, he's a huge cat. He's nearly 11 lbs and only a year old.

    Congrats on your weigh in, so inspirational! /heart u

    1. Yes! I want to see pics of Sushi. I think Pemberley's left leg weighs 5.4 lbs. HAH! :) Pemberley's 13+ lbs.

  3. ha! butt in the front love it... my goal weight is 145 also... you are just a lil closer than I. a lil lol ...I have been getting spam too I think I will also have to do the same. enjoy the weekend!!!

    1. You'll get to 145 Theresa. I'm cheering you on! :)

  4. AnonymousJuly 13, 2012

    147 weeks of being accountable is awesome.

    And please tell Pemberley I think her new look is very daring, and she should consider a body tattoo...henna of course. ;-)

    1. Henna tattoos are AWESOME! I had one last week on my right arm, oops, forgot to show a pic to you guys. I'm putting it on the to-do list :)

  5. Oh, I love a big, floppy belly on a cat! What a doll. Have a great weekend!

  6. Yeah, I have no idea what's up with the SPAM - I've had my blog for a week and I'm already getting a ton of it. :(

  7. oh I just want to give the kitty kisses!!!!

  8. Pemberley is such a beauty. How did you get her fur trimmed? I tried to do that to Buffy once, when it was over 30*C, with a pair of hair clippers but she freaked.

    1. She goes to the groomer. I drop her off and 2 hours later I pick her up. What happens at the groomer, stays at the groomer. LOL :)

  9. I have never had one bit of spam until this week...seems to be hitting everyone.

    I bet Pemberley feels like a new kitty with that new do :)

  10. let me tell about FILL bars... hahahha! Just kidding! I've been getting them too. i'm about to turn on my approval feature too. i didn't want to have to do that but i HATE spam.

  11. Ugh, I hate the spam. I never remember to delete them, either. Oh well! Maybe they'll help someone... they're always about fad diets, etc. =P

    Pemberely looks fabulous, front butt and all. lol

  12. Awesome job in Maintenance Land K! Your sweet kitty looks like she has a rough life...aaaah the life of a cat!

  13. Dang the spammers- they ruin EVERYTHING!!!
    Your consistency in reporting is pretty amazing- I thought I was intense. I don't hold a candle to you , my friend!

  14. I guess this is where black and white thinking can come in handy. Something to think about. 147 weeks of "black & white thinking" :) weighing is awesome!

    You are definitely inspirational.


  15. I've been getting a ton of spam lately too. Great weigh in.

  16. wow 147 weigh in's thats cool that you still keep track. Thanks for stopping by my blog lately, I have lots of catching up to do. Too cute cut for your kitty!

  17. Your cat is super cute! The fur cut is adorable, how did you manage to get your cat to behave long enough to have its fur cut? My cats run the house so if its not what they like its not happening.

    Congrats on the 147 weigh ins and also on your current weight! You are such a inspiration to me, I hope to one day achieve such weight loss success!
