
Friday, June 1, 2012

Weigh-in Day & a Bullet Points Extravaganza

Goal weight: 145 lbs
Today's weight: 143.2 lbs

Here's some randomness for ya, bullet style:
  • I'm aiming for a new goal weight of 135 lbs (BMI: 23.0). I want to see how my body feels at 135 lbs.
  • For a bunch of different reasons, I will not be going to BOOBs in Chicago this year.
  • I'm having a garage sale this weekend and wouldn't you know it that I just found MORE plus-sized clothes in the back of my closet? Seriously. I think this stuff breeds and multiplies when I'm not looking.  Out it all goes!
  • In exactly 15 days, I will jump out of an airplane and  fall to my death do the one thing that I have always said I would do "once I lost the weight."  Sky-Diving = Ultimate Non-Scale Victory (NSV) for me.
  • I'm headed off to have my blood drawn for my annual blood work/tests this morning.  I'm hoping that the results will be just as good as last year's results.
Happy Friday!


  1. Wow 135...we all know you can do it. So go for it. I'm bummed that you will not be coming to BOOBS this year. I didn't get to spend anytime with you last year. I was hoping to rememdy that this year. However, there is always another time.

    Sky diving. That is the ULTIMATE!!! I plan on doing that when I reach my goal weight as well.

    Have a great weekend!!!

  2. I cannot tell you how sad it makes me that you aren't going to be in Chicago this year. I completely understand though and hope to meet up another time.

    I am SO jealous (and a teeny bit frightened) for you to be skydiving. That's on my list for sure sista...let us know how it goes and take pics if possible!

  3. I just know you'll make it to 135 in no time and I'm sure you will be missed by many at BOOBS this year. Don't stress about the skydiving. Jason did it back in March and had a great time. Just make sure you are harnessed in correctly, Just last week an 80 year old made the national news when she did a tandem jump and she wasn't fully attached to her partner and it was ll caught on tape. Just be prepared for a great mental rush!

  4. I am so bummed that I will not see you again this year! We had so much fun at dinner and the Grand Lux after for that awesome Red Velvet Cake! You are so much fun and true inspiration!

    I am sure that you can do whatever your mind sets out to, as you have learned how to live with forever change very well!


  5. Oh my goodness, a skydive!! I am so terrified of heights and yet it is definitely on my bucket list of things to do once I get to goal. Can't wait to hear all about it! x

  6. Girl, you are gonna ROCK 135!! You may feel great or it may feel like too much, but just the fact you can do it is awesome! I'm sure many will miss you at BOOBS. I'm not going either... I am getting banded hopefully the last week of this month and with hubs out of a job I think it's best if I save my money and just wait until next year, because I don't go small... i go big so if i'm gonna go big i need some planning and $$$ :)

  7. I can't wait to hear about skydiving and see pics!!! I hope you post some! Good luck and how awesome and exciting that is!

  8. I now have the song, "I went skydiving" stuck in my head! Hope to see some pics!

  9. Skydiving is AMAZING! You will love it!! I did a tandem jump at 11,000 feet AND I was just under the weight limit. Crazy, but crazy fun. Good luck with 135 . . .we have a similar goal for this summer. :-)

  10. God bless you for sky diving! I wouldn't do it for any amount of money. Hubby has been trying to get me to try it with way!

    Good for you about lowering your goal. I keep flirting with 136 than pop back to 138-140. I've decided that I'm content where I am and this is probably it for me. I'll take it.

  11. wow, sky awesome nsv...:D

  12. Sad I won't get to meet you in Chicago!
