
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

I Enjoy Sharing Sweaty Shoes With Strangers

I went bowling this past weekend.  Here are two photos for comparison:
February 2011 (142 lbs)  Size 8 Jeans                     March 2012 (141 lbs)  Size 6 Jeans
I don't wear those size 8 jeans anymore.  They're too big.

Do you see a difference?  Perhaps the extra toning and weight lifting has changed my shape a little?

This is a good reminder for me that it's not all about the number on that scale.


  1. Awesome! And the shoes look the same. :) I am amazed at what toning can do. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is a really great entry - especially for those at the home stretch in losing. I've been having the same thoughts myself lately and it became very clear that losing weight is not the end of it. Now I need to work hard to "carve out" a new, fitter me as well. I suppose that can be approached as a new challenge.
    Thank you for the pictures - it gives all these thoughts such a great perspective and visual aid.

  3. If you're not using those 8's... I gotta place in my closet for 'em. ;)

    Lookin' great!

  4. Someday I may get to a size 8! But I do know that toning is the key thing! I can't feel that! Way to go! Love reading about where I can go and that it is possible!

  5. I went bowling this weekend too!! Great minds think a like!

  6. Wow... It is hard to believe that is just a one pound weight difference! What an impressive before/after. Yay for toning!

  7. Wow! Thanks for sharing... I think I needed a reminder of how the number doesn't always tell the entire story.

  8. that is incredible..I would have never thought you could drop a size just in toning..GREAT POST!

  9. What an incredible difference and you're right, things will move around and redistribute. I've been around 180 for more than a month now and I still get things fitting differently even though the scale isn't going down. You are such an inspiration! Thanks for sharing. Also, this blog post title made me laugh. :)

  10. great pic comparison!!! what a difference.

  11. Looking great! I see the difference!
    I actually have a photo just like this from when I was thinner. It's one of my motivational ones :)

  12. Awesome visual....brings the reality of your reminder straight to the brain!!! It isn't all about the number on the scale...thanks for sharing...

  13. I do see a difference! Awesome job! Oh and you're also rocking those funky shoes ;)

  14. AWESOME!!!
    You're so right, it's not about the number.

  15. Awesome! Makes me want to go pump some iron! :P

  16. Wow, you can really see the difference, even with only one size difference in jeans! Inspiring!!

  17. Wow I can tell a huge difference. I'm kind of amazed that just one dress size could be making that drastic of a difference. Awesome!

  18. Wow, that's great! You're's definitely not about the number!

  19. Thanks for the reminder! What a difference between the two pics. Only one size and one itty bitty pound, but wow!

  20. Yes, your shape has definately changed and transformed. YOu make bowling shoes look awesome, girlfriend!!
