
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why I Can Never Have Cereal In My House

Before I tell you about how cereal is the devil, what can say about yesterday's comments? Wow.

Thank you for your comments, feedback, and support on yesterday's blog post.  Isn't that what's so great about the blogging community? We get to have our opinions and voices heard.

Okay, onwards to some tasty breakfast cereal!

Cereal is one of my trigger foods.

Cereal is my crack.

I can't have it in the house.  Ever.

I'm sure that you can guess why.

I can't just have one little bowl and call it good.

In the pre-banded days, I could easily eat 3 or 4 large bowls of cereal in one sitting.  Then there's that wonderful experience of eating it straight out of the box...dry...while sitting on the couch watching TV.  Oh my.  There could be an entire episode of Intervention about the craziness that I would get myself into with cereal.

So, I was reminded yesterday of why cereal will always be my heroine.

Yep, I was minding my own business and pushing my cart down the aisles of the grocery store last night when I saw wasn't even in the axis of evil cereal aisle (which I avoid like the plague).  It jumped out at me near the frozen foods.  Take a look at this NEW cereal:

Oh! REAL chocolate inside cereal? Yes, please.  And if that wasn't enough fun chocolate for me, next to it was it's evil twin:  DOUBLE chocolate!

I ran away from that cereal.  I ran fast.  Before it could jump into my cart and come home with me.


  1. mmmmmmmmm I love cereal too. I now limit myself to one handful in a bowl for portion control.

    I can eat it dry but nowhere near as much. It just doesn't go down well.

  2. I'm with ya...I could eat a couple bowls of grape doesn't matter what kind of cereal for me!

    I've always thought chocolate cereals were just wrong

  3. I saw that cereal at the store as well and I was like WTF are they thinking...LOL

    Cereal was never a weakness but I could eat more than one bowlful as I recall easily because our cereal bowls are like 4 servings in this country. Measure them and see you would be amazed.

    Great Post!

  4. Mmm... cereal. That stuff looks like Crack!

    Krave. Pfft... INDEED! That's why I ain't buyin'.

  5. Omg its funny you say that b/c my heroine use to be ice cream and after the band I said I can't have ice cream in the house so I said if you are really craving something you can have cereal at night-which I never ate before-so now I think I need to give up cereal too b/c it really isn't the best but I love it now!

  6. When my kids were little, and we were butt asp poor, I was a couponing fool!!! We would have 15-20 boxes of cereal in the house at any given time. Now I never ever buy it

  7. Cereal has never been one of my trigger foods but maybe I can ease your mind by telling you that I have bought both flavors of that cereal for my son. I tasted it and it really didn't do anything for me. My son liked it but he's never asked me to buy it again so that should tell you something...

  8. I have never been a cereal eater in the mornings, but I used to love a big bowl before bedtime. We don't wen have cereal in the house now...but that kind does look good :)

  9. There are only a couple of cereals I can't have in the house. One is raisin bran and I'm not particular which brand I get. The other is the peanut butter flavored cereals like Reese's and Captain Crunch. My husband eats cereal almost every day (carefully measured by me) but he stays with Rice Chex, Cheerios, and the new 80 calorie Fiber One cereal. Those, I can resist. :)

  10. oh wow- that looks good. I could never buy it or I would eat it all.

  11. OMG rediculous. I mean not as a healthy breakfast but they fact they are hiding crack, I mean chocolate, in a supposed healthy breakfast idea and call it KRAVE. EVILLLL! I saw another evil commercial about new Cheerios laced with Peanut Butter. Need-to-avoid-that-aisle!

  12. Oh hell no! I just drooled all over my keyboard at the cereal porn. My oh my. I LOVE cereal but it doesn't love me anymore. Never fails cereal and lactose free milk combined in my belly equals a bad dumping session. :( However I may have to try this cereal just to try and and pay for the consequences later HA HA

  13. It's so funny how different our inner fatties all are. I don't think I've ever finished a whole box of cereal before it went stale and I had to throw it away. I hate sugar cereals (Frosted Flakes, Sugar Pops, that sort of thing) but quite like a nice bowl of bran flakes with dried cranberries. I can't be trusted around chips and salsa though...that is MY crack.

  14. When I figured out that the large box of Life, Alpha Bits and Frosted Flakes held more than one serving I was sad. Whole Milk, box of "They're Great.." Made me most of what I am today.. Miss cereal so much...

  15. One of my students came in 5 minutes ago raving about this cereal and even had me try it. It was delish....I told her she was NEVER allowed to bring it in my class again or I might lose it!

    Now I am checking your blog and voila...same cereal! Strange and funny coincidence

  16. OMG cereal is my crack Frosted Flakes is the best haven't had any in three months!

  17. Since we have gone almost Gluten Free for Sarah, we keep very little cereal in the house which is a good thing, as I LOVE cereal! That Crave stuff looks like it would be addictive!

  18. OMG! I saw that in the Wallyworld the other day and ran the other way! Now I will stay completely away from it!

  19. OMG I am right there with you sister! And cereal with CHOCOLATE!! You may as well just schedule me an appointment with the intervention people right now. I stay away too. It is crack!

  20. Ooooh, cereal is one of my "crack" foods also! Doesn't even have to have sugar on it or in it. I used to always eat from the box...why pour a bowl and be accountable, when you can loose track of how many handfuls you've eaten. That Krave stuff looks dangerous!

  21. Special K makes a protein cereal. It kind of tastes like the flakes in raisin bran without the raisins. I mix in a little Special K chocolatey delight and there's my protein/chocolate/cereal fix
