
Saturday, December 10, 2011

What is the Single Best Thing That I Can Do For My Health?

I love this video!

Exercise is medicine.


  1. Awesome! I'm off to walk outside as it has warmed up to 50. Yay. :)

  2. Already got my Zumba in for today so that's 23 hours left!! Woo hoo.

    Love the way the video presented the "treatment" at first as a possible drug or therapy or something. Whoda thunk it was lil'ol exercise all the time causing all that great change?

  3. That was a great video! I thought the way they presented it was really smart because I actually watched the whole thing, lol!

    Zumba'd this morning and then did some strength training. :)

  4. so true, thanks for sharing

  5. I love it!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE! I especially love the Jerry Garcia reference. And how simple it is...seems so "duh". Saying "limit your sleeping/sitting time to 23.5 hours per day" seems more do-able than "get 30 minutes of exercise per day". That's great!
