
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

600th Post!

I just realized that I've rambled on endlessly to you about 600 random Lap Band and non-Lap Band related things. 

I've told you what it's like to live life with a Lap

I've learned that blogging, for me, brings my life into focus.

I remember when I first started talking with friends about the idea of starting a blog, they warned me about how I will have to make a Commitment to keeping my blog updated and how much work that would be. As much as that "C" word usually makes me run for the hills, I knew that it was the only way that I would be successful. The online accountability that you all offer is what makes it "click" for me.

Now that I'm in maintenance for almost a year, I wonder what else there is tell you?

Therefore, are there any burning questions or anything that YOU would like to know?


  1. So... a skin question that has been on my mind. You don't talk about your personal life, like if you are in a relationship, casually dating, married, or none of the above. Assuming you are dating or have dated someone post-surgery (as in, someone who hasn't seen your progression from fat to fit), how do you deal with the saggy skin thing the first time you, well, get to that point in a relationship? My husband is just happy that I am no longer 300+, so this isn't really an issue for us (and I still have more weight to lose clearly- the skin thing might get worse). But do you have any anxiety with dating, or do you know anyone who discusses this in blogland, given that at some point there might be a bit of a surprise for the other person? Too personal?

  2. No burning questions but I just have to say...600 posts is incredible. Thank you so much for each and every one of them...your insights have helped me more than you will ever know!

  3. How stalker-ish is it that I have read all 600 posts??? All of the questions I have had so far have been answered within you posts...thanks :)

  4. Life moves forward so there will ALWAYS be more to tell us!!

  5. I have also read all 600 and I look to forward to next 600 so much! Love you

  6. Congratulations on 600 and maintenance. I have not yet made it though all 600, but love what I have read so far. Here's to the next 600 and year of successful maintenance. :-)

  7. One thing I'd like to see you discuss (because it's been an issue for me lately) is how you deal with meeting new people and how they react to you when they find out you used to be a big fat fatty and the weirdness that ensues when they see a "before" pic of you. I had that experience recently and it was strange.

  8. Congrats on the 600 post! That is amazing! And yes, I have read one of them and feel like i have been beside you on your journry. Please don't stop as you inspire me! I agree with Nora. I would be interested in who is important to you. Also the loose skin is a question I would love to know about and reaction to you weight loss from old friends.

  9. way to go on the big 6 0 0

  10. Way to post 600 posts :) I'd like to know if you are still noticing improvements in your skin. For example I noticed such a wonderful improvement from the hitting goal to 6 months after being at goal photos of your abdomen. Do you find that your skin continues to improve over time with exercise and maintenance?

  11. I have a question. How many fills did it take for you to get restriction?

  12. I just found your blog and I'm enjoying it a lot. I'm just starting the banding process and so far you have answered a lot of my questions.
    I've bookmark your blog so I will be keeping up on how well your doing.
    By the way, you look beautiful. Congratulations!!!
