
Thursday, November 24, 2011

What Are You Thankful For?

It's Thanksgiving day here in the U.S.A.  

A time for me to remind myself of how thankful I am to have such good friends and family in my life.

But of course, there are also many, many weight loss related things to give thanks for:

I am thankful that I have learned:
  • My food choices are never, ever going to fix my deeper problems.
  • Food is not going to make me blissfully happy.
  • Food is not my friend.
  • Food is not going to make me feel less stressed about the business that is life.
  • Food is not going to give me the courage to change things in my life.
  • Food is not meant to be an escape from reality.
I am thankful that I am no longer sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I am thankful that I don't feel like I am dieting just because I am eating less.
I am thankful for my improved sleep quality at night -- no more naps during the day! I am no longer sleeping my life away.
I am thankful that food no longer has as much power over me.
Lastly, I couldn't end this post without a Thanksgiving funny...


  1. Is it cheesy to say I'm thankful for your blog? It is great and you are wise and an inspiration. Happy Thanksgiving, and keep being amazing!

  2. Love this! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Hello, I am thankful for all the darling children in the neighborhood who call me Auntie, love me no matter what size I am, but play a huge part in my weight loss. Spend a day chasing several 4 year olds around at a park and you will understand ;) Take care.

  4. Great! I love all your kitty pictures. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. :)

  5. Great answers.

    I'm just thankful to be alive to experience life.

  6. Like the 'learned' list :)
