
Friday, November 11, 2011

Weigh-in Day...and the Results Are...

Goal Weight: 145 lbs

Today's Weight: 139.6 lbs (EXACTLY the same as last week's weigh-in).

I've just stopped in at Starbucks for my usual skinny caramel latte.  Of course they had those tempting little free samples of coffee cake.  Yeah, I just had to have one.  Seriously, they are barely a bite-sized taste.  Tiny.

And guess what? 

Yep, it got stuck.

Then I started sliming...

Good times.

Luckily, after some walking around and sipping my hot coffee a little it finally went down.  Whew! 

I guess I have taken my band restriction to a new level which I have officially entitled:

"No more bread/cake type foods first thing in the morning" or more commonly known as: "Stop eating cake for breakfast you big Fatty."


  1. Sorry you got stuck but yay for the restriction.

    I have learned this week that rice is no longer my friend... "Sniff Sniff", time to give up my favorite food

  2. Great job maintaining!

  3. Coffee cake is me problems every time.


  4. Ohhh I am a Carb-Freak! NO BREAD???? That will be a big struggle for me! Ugh! Congrats on the maintain! GOOD ON YOU!

  5. Yep, me too. I had two bites of a donut and when I was chewing the second bite, I realized that the first one was not going down too well. Only my second time for the PB and it is NOT fun.

  6. Sometimes are old habits sneak up on us, bread is mine as well, and I get stuck 99.99% of the time I try, sorry sweetie glad it passed licky split.
