
Sunday, November 27, 2011

I Need Your Help

If you remember, I never really rewarded myself when I arrived at my goal weight.  Because for me, the real test has been maintenance.

I will be celebrating maintaining my goal weight for one year with a new sparkly.  A ring.  I'm not much a jewelry wearer so this is a big step for me.

An alcoholic gets one year chip, so I'm getting a ring.

I will always be an obese person in recovery.  Always.  This ring will be a physical reminder for me.

So this brings me to YOU.  I need your help thinking of a 3-5 word saying/quote/etc that I can engrave inside the ring.  You are so creative with your ideas, I can't wait to see what you come up with.

Ideas so far that I've received from you on the Facebook page:

  • "12-17-2011"   (1 goaliversary)
  • "Never Forget"
  • "Never Look Back"
  • "Baby Steps"

Some initial sketches of the ring...

I hope to have the ring on my finger by the end of December, but as they say "Something worth having is something worth waiting for."


  1. Believe
    Believe In Self
    I Can, I Did, I Will

  2. Whatever you choose, just looking at it will make you remember the amazing thing you've done!

  3. You are a fantastic inspiration to all of us starting on this journey. I don't have a suggestion for your ring, but I think it's a fabulous idea!

  4. No end, just the journey.
    The end is only the beginning.

  5. Great idea! I'll see if I can think of any ideas.

  6. Respect the past...create the new!

  7. You inspire us all, and I love your goal present. I don't have a quote but I know that whatever you decide will probably become a mantra for us all to aspire to :o)

  8. The only thing I came up with was: success. Can't wait to hear what you decide :)

  9. Never Forget is too 9-11 related for me... What about something like "I made it happen"?

  10. Oooh, I love your ring idea, love the sketch and the one phrase that I use over and over when it comes to my life is that I live my life with NO REGRETS. Do I wish I could wave a magic wand and not have spent almost 20 year obese and morbidly obese? Sure, but then I don't think I could appreciate all that I have earned so far. So that is my contribution. No Regrets.

  11. how about the infinity sign? always continuous, never-ending. kind of like your hard work up til now and from here on out!

  12. I like the phrase at the top of your blog:
    Can'ts into Cans
