
Friday, September 16, 2011

Weigh-in Day...and the Results are...

Goal Weight: 145 lbs

Today's Weight: 137.6 lbs

Happy Friday!


  1. Wow! Simply amazing. Is that a little closer to what you want to be? I know you said you felt you were getting a little too low now. Is this week better for you?

  2. You go girl! Hope the cookies "helped!" ;)

  3. I am sure you are all smiles this morning with that number!

    That was what I weighed when I got married 32 years ago! Uggghhhhh

  4. amazing!!! way to go girl!!

  5. I was up 2 lbs this week to 149 and I was freaking out! My goal is 150 so I am still 1 lb under. I than got a reality check and realized that freaking out over weighing 149 was absolutely ridiculous! I know its hormonal as my period is very overdue so who knows, I am thinking its water?
