
Friday, September 9, 2011

Weigh-in Day...and the Results Are...

Today's Weight: 136.2 lbs (lowest ever Friday weigh-in)

Lost this week: 3.6 lbs

Total lost: 119.8 lbs



  1. Are you going to try and stay at this super low weight? Or get closer to 140?

  2. I used to have a dream of weighing 100 pounds and then being able to eat my way back up to 125 or 130. I knew that if I ate anything I wanted that I would hit 125 and keep going into the great beyond. You "could" eat your way back up to 145 but you might like the smaller weight. The reason I stopped at 140 was that it was just inside the healthy BMI for my height and I knew it would be far easier to maintain than 135.

  3. I can't even see you (so that means I can't read your post) because you are so tiny !
