
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Down at the Other End of the Aisle

I remember when I used to go clothes shopping when I was a fatty...size know...the largest size in some plus size sections of stores.  

Selection was limited and I usually chose the piece of clothing that made me look the least horrible.  It was never very fun....kind of a chore.

Now, when I go shopping, I have a new rule.  I have to LOVE the item before I will buy it.  It has to make me feel FABULOUS and skinny.  No exceptions!

The problem with this plan?  The selection in the size 4s and 6s are just as limited as the plus sizes of my past.  Especially at my usual shopping locations: TJ Maxx, Marshalls, ROSS, etc.

Here is the evidence...if one is a size 10-16, there are TONS of choices. Here's a photo from yesterday's shopping adventure:

Now here's the same aisle, but in my size range.  So many less choices.
Let me clarify, I am not complaining one bit...because I just push my shopping cart over to the Juniors section and there are TONS of choices for a shorty like me over there :)


  1. Come to NY... I'll take you shopping where a 4 is the big size... Even get you a hair cut...

  2. Glad you are loving shopping Karin. That's one thing I'm really looking forward to when I get to goal. I, much like you, didn't like shopping when I was a 24w. : ( I also don't really like shopping now though because I know that my current 18w is a transient size. I despise spending money on things that are temporary.

  3. Yep, I'm only Goodwill shopping until I reach goal, but it is actually really fun, just to have proof that I am sizing down.

  4. I have had some fun shopping lately too. Although I'm a 10 and happy there, I can relate to how much better it is to not have to be a size 24.

  5. I am in 8's and 10's now and I see your point! There are more 10's than 8's and I'm sure the selection goes down from there...just like it did with the larger sizes.

  6. That's a nice problem to have!

  7. Oh, to have that problem!! One day!!!!

  8. I'm with Andrea and Jessica - I can't wait for this problem :) Hey, guess what - I was reading your blog when I started my research on the lap band ... you are so cute (and motivating) and now I'm part of the party ! Thanks for being so open on your blog ! :)

  9. AnonymousJuly 03, 2011

    Thanks for your blog. You give my something to look forward to. Being able to shop is one of things I am the most looking forward to. I tried on some clothing yesterday, thinking as of today I have lost 30 lbs, surely I need to move down a size. Not really. I have been an 18- still am. Size 16 pants in my closet fit but I still have muffin top so it really isn't working for me. I hope to need to buy new clothes soon.

  10. I can't WAIT to have fewer choices!! :) Right now, I'm loving being in the 12-14 section with lots of fun things to try on. I'm going with the "it has to be awesome" to by it theory now as well. It is a fun feeling!
