
Saturday, May 14, 2011

No He Didn't!

This video clip came up on The Soup and I thought I'd share.

 I have never seen this reality TV show (Beverly Hills Fabulous), but the premise of this clip is that these two are out on their first date.  Check out this link for the video.

Watch and discuss.


  1. Wow.

    Has he ever thought about tact?

  2. What an asshat! I would love to have heard her response to that. I hope she told him where to go...

  3. Wow...I'm actually hurt for her. How dare he suggest WLS to her, it's absolutely an important personal decision that everyone has to make on their own. To put her on the spot like that on a first date? AND on TV?? I cannot believe the nerve of some people. Wow.

  4. I think suggesting lap band in a kind, sensitive way is fine but his timing is inappropriate and lousy! Yes and on TV does make it worse...very shaming.

  5. I watched this last night and almost died. We were wondering if he was recruiting for his business or something. I can not imagine being that woman.

  6. I have never seen this show, is he a salesman? or is this a commercial promoting lap band surgery?

  7. Yeah, I would really like to see that play out!

  8. OMG! You know my sister lost a lot of weight a few years back between high school and college and her arms got really really saggy (they are really bad) but still, she was with a guy at the time and when he saw them, he was like..Wow! You should get surgery to fix that! Unbelievable!

  9. I can't believe this guy!! And although he isn't really over weight, he could stand to lose about 20-30 lbs or so himself!! But I would never tell him that to his face, and on TV no less!!!

  10. I just don't know what to say - and that NEVER happens! What an insensitive moron..

  11. Holy crap. NO HE DIDN'T! I feel terrible for her...

  12. First date? Wow. How rude of him to put that out there on TV AND a first date. It also just proves the point that people don't think about the work involved in having surgery. You're overweight, oh just go have surgery. A$$!

  13. Whaaat!? I just laughed out loud, out of astonishment! How could you possibly mention that on a first date?!

  14. On a first date - holy cow!! He must get a commission for bands - I swear that's the only way that makes any sense at all. I feel awful for that woman!

  15. There are no words. :(

  16. I can't believe that. I hope she smacked him upside the head. NOT the place or time to bring that up. Azzhat!

  17. My mouth is just open right now and my eyes are bugged out of my head! He is a "SAF"...Simple Ass Fool.
