
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Book Giveaway Winner is...

Are you ready to find out who won the book giveaway?

There were a total of 10 comments/entries and I used a random number generator which chose the number 7.  Therefore, the 7th commenter is the winner!
Our winner is Melissa Wolf. Congratulations!

Melissa, I know you will get a lot of good guidance and information from this book.  Please email me your mailing address; non-residential address preferred (cheaper shipping costs) and I will mail the book to you ASAP.


  1. Congrats! I think I'm going to try to look for this book. I am hoping to have lap band this summer. Very exciting but very scary at the same time.....

  2. Thank you SO much!! This made my week! And thanks to Lap Band Gal for being such an inspiration and support to so many! xoxo Melissa P.S. My blog is "invitation only" for now (for online privacy) but consider yourself invited if you're a weight loss/lap band blogger. Just send me ( your email address and your own blog link and I'll add you to my reader list and I'll follow your blog too.
