
Monday, April 18, 2011

Stained Shirt Club -- A Non-Scale Victory

I only just realized this NSV this past week.  I used to be a member of the "Stained Shirt Club."

When I used to eat, I would sometimes end up with food dribbled down my chest on my shirt.  It didn't matter if I was at work, at home, or out to eat.  It always seemed to happen.  Food would end up on the "shelf" AKA the boobs area.

I was often in the bathroom dabbing up the latest spill that had landed on my shirt.

Well, I recently realized that this no longer happens.  Could it be because I am more conscious of taking smaller bites instead of shoveling food into my face?  Maybe it's because the "shelf" is so much smaller now?  Not sure.

But, I sure am glad to be a member of the "Clean Shirt Club" now!


  1. Hahahaha! I also use to be a card carrying member of this club! My husband would refer to my "catch-alls"! I definitely think that being a more mindful eater has helped to overcome this.

  2. I actually stopped wearing white because of that exact reason!!!

  3. I'm betting it is a mixture of both; smaller 'shelf' and smaller bites :o)

  4. Nice NSV.....come to think of it, I don't stain my shirt near as much either!

  5. My husband and I were just discussing this subject yesterday! I am also a new member of the "clean shirt club!" Great NSV!

  6. I noticed this too, and I think it's because our stomachs are so much smaller so we can get closer to the table. We don't have to traverse the wide expanse of boobs and bellies to get the spoon to our mouths anymore.

  7. Haha, that's totally true and I never even thought of it as an NSV! Of course, now that I'm 6 months pregnant my stomach is catching my food again *sigh*. Oh well, something to look forward to (again) a few months from now!

  8. Lord, i still stain my shirt! hahah...and I dont even have boobs these days. But...I bet you didnt realize you are probably STILL a member, but of a different chapter. BC now I have tons of stained shirts...but they are workout shirts and they are stained with SWEAT! yeah baby

  9. Too funny. I too have many stained shirts but because they are all too big, now I wear them to dirty jobs and toss then.

  10. Too freaking true! Ha :)

  11. I can relate. I have ruined so many shirts because of this.

  12. LOL...yes I've been responsible for staining my shirt and it's something I've kept in the closet till now!!!! Thank you for your honesty. My shirts are cleaner too!

  13. I'm sure it's because the "shelf" is smaller!! I too always had this problem, I always joked that the "girls" were hungry too!! LOL
