
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Food Focus is GONE

I know that I have posted about this previously, but this is a MAJOR new phenomenon for me in the last few weeks.

Food is no longer a focus.  I do not live to eat anymore. 

How did I get to this place of food not being the center of my universe?  I'm not sure.  After 30+ years of food always getting my full attention at all times, it's rather weird.

Here are recent examples of food not being a focus anymore:
  • I notice that it's 10am or later before I realize that I haven't eaten anything all thought is usually  "Wow, I'm really hungry, I should eat something" and then I don't eat anything until 11am or 12pm because I'm too busy with life or nothing sounds good to eat.
  • Out to dinner last night at a Mexican restaurant...barely ate 1/3 of a cup of beans/carnitas/cheese and just wasn't interested in eating anymore and pushed the plate away.  Just a month or so ago, I would have eaten the entire plate and wonder what was for dessert.
  • I am definitely at my sweet spot.  It's official.
My tag line a the top of my blog is coming true... "If hunger isn't the problem, then eating isn't the solution."

Random Thoughts Of The Day:
  • No Workout Wednesday today...I'm getting a mani/pedi instead :)  hah!
  • Saw 140.2 lbs this morning....all time low.
  • I get to have a fabulous dinner with an AWESOME Bandster on Friday night! Can't wait!


  1. Hey, thanks for the shout-out! Can't wait to see you. :-)

  2. Wow! I don't think I'll ever reach that place but I applaud those that do. I almost never forget to eat but I've always been a big breakfast eater and that starts me out early in the day with "What can I have for my next meal."

  3. I hope to reach your place one day soon... :)

    Congrats on seeing the 140.2!

  4. This is the precisely the state of mind, I'm trying to train myself for....You have achieved so much on so many levels: physical, mental and spiritual...Awesome.

  5. This is my ultimate goal. I think if I can get here mentally then the number on the scale will just do what it should do without my daily obsession. You are a great inspiration!!

  6. I would love to be in that mode. I am hoping once I can get a fill again I will not be so focused on what's to eat. You are certainly a poster girl for the Lapband.

  7. TOTAL sweet spot! This is it! I love being here, and I have only been here for the past couple months. This is how normal people live. Amazing, right!

    So happy for you!

  8. isn't the sweet spot sweet! congrats. you might soon be saying you weigh one thirty something. wowzers

  9. This is so awesome!!! I'm so happy for you!

  10. wow way to go!

  11. What a fun and great post!! YAY!!
