
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Welcome Back Restriction...!

Hello Restriction,

I wish you were around this weekend when I was tempted with all those sweets and yummy snacks.

Water is slow going down this morning...totally wierd.  Is it stress? Is it allergies?  Who knows.

I may actually have a protein shake today...gasp!  I hardly ever drink those.  My favorite: Unjury Chocolate.

Had a preliminary weigh-in this morning to see where I am in regards to maintaining the goal weight of 145 lbs.  Well, it was 144.9 lbs.  :)  We will see what the weight is on Friday's official weigh-in.


  1. 144.9 is a good thing - a really good thing! Enjoy your shake!!

  2. YOU GO GIRL! If I saw 144.9 on my scale, I'd probably pass out because I'd be sure 1/2 of my body was missing. LOL! That is AWESOME!

  3. Happy to hear that your maintenance is going well!

    Have a wonderful Christmas - full of fun and joy!

  4. Congrats Karin! 144 that's amazing! I had that happen one day no restriction the next stuck on everything!

  5. Congrats -can't wait until I'm your shoes. Your blog is such an inspiration for me!
