
Wednesday, October 13, 2010


No, this is not a Halloween-based post, but rather to report that it looks like I lost my first follower.  It happened sometime after my post about the shooting range.  I scared someone away, I guess.    I am thinking that I might scare some followers away with my 1 year bandiversary post next week too on 10/20.  Should be interesting...

Anyways, I have been really focusing on my calories/protein intake (1100 calories/50+ g per day) this week.  I am determined to break through this plateau.  I've Zumba'd twice and taken 2 x 45 min power walks so far as well.  I read about how the last 10 lbs are the hardest to lose back early in my journey and they certainly weren't kidding around.

I would also like to report that I am in the "green" zone as well with restriction.  With a good protein-based meal of about a cup, I don't get hungry for about 4-5 hours.  Finally.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. That is awesome that you are so close to goal, and not even at one year out! Can't wait for the one year post!

  2. I think we all lose a few now and then. Sometimes I wonder if they even do it intentionally-I have only ever unfollowed people who quit posting for months on end.

    I think there is a lot of ground between being anti-gun and owning a house-full. I didn't think anything you posted about the shooting range was offensive at all. Afterall if we are going to be for or against something we should have full knowledge of what it is we are taking a stance on right?

    The ten pound think is driving me crazy!! I too need to pick up my exercise and get some metabolism back.


  3. Whoo hoo! Awesome about the green zone. :)

    I always wonder that when I lose a friend on facebook. I'm like "oh well..." Ha!

  4. Wait, you keep track of Followers ? You lost 100 pounds, look fantastic, share your life with us and you care about that ? No you don't.. C'mon.. Awesome stuff

  5. That is so good. It looks like 9.5 lbs to go.

  6. I'd follow you twice if I could! You are so inspirational.

    Can't wait for your year post!

  7. Wow, you are VERY close to goal and not even a year out! Totally amazing. You lost 100lbs in less than a year...I can not imagine what that would feel like! Wonderful job. VERY inspiring!

  8. Green is a fabulous color!!

  9. Looking forward to your one year post!

  10. 101.5 within a year (perhaps a little more by 1020)...that is so great!!! Do you think that 1100 kcals with 50 grams of protein is your sweet spot for losing weight? My dietian told me not to obsess about kcals but I think its worth noting when you are trying to lose weight.


  11. I was like: what gun post? So went back and read it and EEK.. I am JUST like you. Here in Oz we don't have them (I mean theyre around, its just not a way of life) You're brave for picking it up and having a go.
    Aww to losing the follower but seriously, cant please people all the time. More fool them if you writing something short has offended them in some way. xx

  12. I'm totally looking forward to your anniversary post! And it is so completely that ex-follower's loss!

  13. I am looking forward to your 1 year post... you can't scare me away!!

  14. Their loss (unfollowing you)... and I'll bet you more than make up for it by your bandiversary... that post I'm looking forward to!
