
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I’m Getting Skinnier and People Are Getting Nicer

I am experiencing a new phenomenon recently (well, new to me at least) that I just don't understand. 

People are nicer to me now that I'm not so fat.  There...I said it.

An example?  On my recent flights/travels from Chicago back to Oregon, three...yes THREE  separate men (of course) asked me if they could help me with my lift it into the overhead compartment of the plane, carry it down the stairs for me, etc.

I've been flying 4 to 5 times a year with this exact same carry-on suitcase for about 3 years.  In those three years, no one ever offered the fat girl help with her suitcase.  NEVER. 

Is it a subconscious and/or a human nature thing that people automatically are nicer to the less fat folks?  Am I guilty of this in my own way I treat others?  Something I need to start being more aware of...

I think that I'm just going to shut up about it and enjoy this friendlier world emerging before my eyes.


  1. Somthing to think about. Glad your fill is good. I have 2 more weeks until my next one. havent done the standing up one yet.

  2. Band-Babe was talking about this in Chicago, she said men are falling on themselves to get the door for her and it really hurts her feelings, like what was she, chopped liver before? It's something to think about!

  3. I totally understand! I was just telling my husband the same thing this past weekend. I don't know if it's MY confidence or their stupidness in thinking I am more approachable smaller...I don't know, but I am with you, ENJOY IT!

  4. I have a blog post about this very topic floating around in my head trying to coalesce into something coherent...

    The first time I lost a significant amount of weight (20 years ago ish) I noticed a similar phenomena. It wasn't even just nice though, it was more... I became visible. That's how I thought of it. Despite the fact that I then took up less space I was significantly more visible and people generally talked to me more. And mostly in the just nice, friendly, way people should speak to people. Back then and at other times in my life it was very disconcerting. People are odd creatures on so many levels.

  5. It's happening to me too. I'm sure some of the attention is because I'm thinner but part of it is that I have more self confidence. I look people in the eye now. I have a sparkle that probably shines off on others. Like you I'm trying to accept it but it is really strange to get used to.

  6. I did a post a while back about this.. isn't it strange?? And now I feel people look at me to the point that I check my outfit to make sure my fly isn't down or my blouse isn't unbuttoned. I try to make a point to be friendly and smile at everyone now since noticing this. On the way to Chicago I had a cute guy sit next to me that talked and tried to flirt with me the entire flight to Chicago...a year ago he would have not even have said hello to me! The attention at times is a bit overwhelming

  7. Ladies, if it doesn't offend you, and please do not kill me here, please accept it as a good thing. We mean well, some of us liked you before also, and more of us like less of you as well. Life is better when you are thin, it works both ways, and there are much worse things in life than getting noticed for achieving that which you set out to do, in one way or another... Peas...

  8. Enjoy the attention. You deserve it.

  9. I think this comes up way more than it should. I think its a human thing though that will never change. Enjoy it! You are a hottie!!

  10. I agree-- I think people are judging you less and you feel it... kind of sucks, but I'm glad you're feeling more 'love' from the world.
    You're doing so great!

  11. I absolutely found this to be true when I lost a lot of weight in my 20s. The difference in the way people treated me was mind-boggling. Not that they were mean to me when I was fat... I was just invisible. And then I was very visible, and it took a while to get used to that.

  12. Hmmm...that's an interesting point to ponder, for sure!

  13. I agree that people are nicer, definitely men, but everyone in a way. It's really nice but def a bit overwhelming!

  14. Its a sad world and unfortunately you are right!

  15. it def. happened to me as well. You are not imagining it, you have not changed really...other than losing weight. I had pretty good self esteem when I was fat. I still never had a door held for me.
    Not till I dropped a hundred pounds.

  16. We were discussing this in CHI too... it's definitely a conundrum. Do we do this to others unknowingly ourselves? I know how it feels. I hope I don't project this same attitude onto others, but I'm sure I do! I KNOW I do. And it's wrong.
    It's not your imagination... & it could have something to do with confidence, but I truly think it's a societal bias. Not fair. But enjoy! :)
    Robin at Band on the Run
