
Friday, February 19, 2010

Weigh-in Day

Happy Friday Everyone!

Today I weighed in....and lost 2.8 lbs. That's a total of 61.4 lbs. Yay, 60 lb goal achieved!

However, I don't feel that I deserve that because of the crazy eating that I did in SF last weekend. Things that come to mind: chocolate lava cake with real vanilla ice cream, french fries, Indian curries, vanilla frappaccino at Starbucks, I could go on...and on.

Luckily, I did some walking around and I guess the exercise balanced things out.

By the way, I haven't really journaled my food intake for about two weeks now. I am testing things out to see how it goes...perhaps I will go back to journalling, but I feel that I kind of "get it" now on how to eat correctly...a weird thought indeed.

PS: Tomorrow is my four month bandiversary! Time has flown by!


  1. 60 pounds in 4 months is AMAZING!! I hope to achieve similar results! Great job!

  2. Of course you deserve to reach your goal! Congratulations on your loss! And happy bandiversary.

  3. Congrats on the 60lbs and you have lost it super fast go you!!!!
    And of course you deserve it even though you have had some not so good for losing weight things you obvioulsy worked it off!!!

  4. Seriously? 60 lbs, in 4 months?!?! I could only dream of doing so well!

  5. Congrats on the 60 pounds!! Way to go girl!

  6. Of course you deserve it! Congratulations!! You look great!

  7. way to WORK IT!!! Wow! Congratulations!!

  8. You're my HERO - 60+ pounds in 4 months - Way to go!!!

  9. That is so cool! 60 in four months!
    You are amazing :)

  10. Hi! I just started reading your blog. What amazing results you have had!! I get banded next month and I want to be just like you!

  11. wow that is super awesome!! i hope i can say the same in 4 months!!! :-)

  12. well done! you are doing really well. I hope to do as good!

  13. Hey 60 pounds is 60 pounds !! So celebrate it and enjoy ! And SF eating..your human and entitled to still enjoy life ! You're doing great girl !!

  14. Fantastic! Congratulations and enjoy the fruits of your labors!

  15. That is fabulous! And whats really cool is how you "get it" now. That is the best. Congrats!

  16. What a great loss and of course you deserve it. The body probably liked having something different and the metabolism sped up to enjoy it.

  17. OMG! I just saw that pic of you at 58 pounds down - you are stunning! Look at your big green eyes. Maybe because you are a little more relaxed you are dropping the weight. I have found out a little secret too - if I don't get so uptight about everything (food I mean) I do much better. Maybe it's the same for you. Have a great weekend. x

  18. Thanks for all the positive comments!!!

  19. Congrats on 60 lbs. I've already found myself progressing onto "bad" food despite being on the puree portion.

    I need to get myself back in check!
