
Who Am I?

I had Lap Band surgery in October 2009.

I lost 119 lbs in about 14 months and met my goal weight in December 2010.  I've been maintaining my weight ever since then.

My goal weight is 145 lbs.

The Back Story:
I had always been obese since about the age of 11. I have only known a life of being heavy and all the life aspects that go along with that (not fitting into social groups, teasing, etc). Therefore, in my lifetime, I have tried so many ways to lose weight: Weight Watchers, Atkins, South Beach, etc. The list could go on and on.

By the time I was 25, my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure at a weight of 240 pounds. I was on two types of high blood pressure meds for years. Unfortunately, that did not encourage me to begin to get control of my weight. My weight and related obesity issues increased from there.

My knees hurt, my feet would swell up by the end of the day due to all the extra weight, so much physical pain from being so obese. My level of denial was very high. I never consciously put the puzzle together that what I needed to do was lose the weight and be active.

Luckily, at the age of 29 and my highest weight of 258 pounds (BMI 42), I realized that I had a lifetime of diabetes, heart issues, and physical limitations ahead of me so I decided to make a last-ditch effort by choosing gastric banding. The band has been a literal lifesaving choice for me.

One of the biggest hurdles for me in choosing the gastric banding surgery was the cost. My insurance plan did not cover it, therefore I paid for the weight loss surgery out of pocket.

Looking back on the decision to spend about $16k on banding surgery was the best decision I ever made for myself in regards to health improvement. That’s about $150 per pound lost.

Expensive? YES.

Worth it? TOTALLY.